"Okay," Anthony nodded. He turned to Ray and asked about where the grandparents were as Jacob found himself getting lost within Hunter's grey crystal eyes.

"How about you get your lunch first before starting your mission?" Hunter thought with a smile.

"It's our mission," Jacob corrected him and turned toward the mountain of food on the table.

* * * * *

When Scott finished work, he headed straight home. William had called him several times but the day he leaves his phone at home is the day everyone needs to talk to him.

He parked on the drive and climbed out of his car. He was surprised to see no lights on in the house, usually, his son's were home before him. Maybe they were at Hunter's house.

He unlocked the front door and entered.

"Boys?" He yelled and heard his voice echo off the walls. The atmosphere remained quiet while he shut the door behind him, indicating that nobody was in.

He walked through to the kitchen and dropped his keys on the table but his eyes caught sight of the letter he found on the floor this morning.

He picked it up and opened it. He didn't know who it was from as he pulled out a hand written note from the white envelope.

He frowned when he recognised it as his wife's handwriting.

He quickly unfolded it, desperately wanted to know if he should be concerned or not.

"Dear Scott,

I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I've caused you so much pain from trying to fix things by myself. Yes, I hate werewolves. I always have and I always will. I can't cope with the fact that my son is one, it's breaking my heart every time I look at him.

So I'm leaving. I know there is so much more to say and to talk about but I'm a coward and I have to escape the easy way. I'm sorry that I can't be the wife that you wanted and the mother you wanted but you're all our kids have ever needed. You're a great dad and they don't need me, not anymore. They're almost adults and Jacob deserves to rebuild his life without me dragging him down.

Now, after finding out about Nathan, you've probably heard all he has to say and I know for a fact he has told you about my parents. If not, then I'm sorry to have to tell you that they are werewolf hunters and have influenced my hatred of the wolves. And no, I have not told them about Jacob and I never would. Part of me leaving is to protect him from them. They hate the Gods and won't hesitate to kill him.

Scott, you have to understand that you can not let them find out. You are all in serious danger if they do.

So, I guess this is it. Writing this note is the hardest thing I will ever have to do and you all have to know that I will never, ever stop loving you all. My heart throbs with how much I will miss you.

I love you, Scott. I always will,

Grace x"

Scott was utterly speechless.

His wife has left a goodbye note and the chances are, he will not be able to find a single trace of her if he searched for days on end.

His wide eyes spotted something else in the envelope and he pulled it out with shaky hands.

His heart dropped when he realised it was divorce letters.

"No," He breathed and dropped his head in his hands. He knew it might end up down this road but he wasn't prepared for it so suddenly. He was completely in love with Grace, right until the moment he found out that she didn't like werewolves. But twenty years of love can not just be switched off. He was going through some serious heart ache moments when he went to sleep alone and woke up with the right side of the bed empty.

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