'Well nooooo, his hair just magically got wet' my mind said to me.

'Shut up mind'

'Or what?'

'I will...uh...make you think weird things..like' I closed my eyes and thought of a cow making out with a horse

'Now that's just nasty!'

'You want more of that? Hmm?' I ask my mind, smirking.

'No...please..I'll shut up...I beg you stop!'

'Huh...that's what I thought'

I came back to reality when Daniel, who was now sitting across from me, was looking at me with a face like 'You spaced out again. Rude'

"Hey Daniel!" My mouth was full of pancake which was why Damien smacked me lightly on the back of my head

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"Hey Daniel!" My mouth was full of pancake which was why Damien smacked me lightly on the back of my head

"Peanut-head.." I mutter under my breath.

"Anyway....." Daniel began. "Me and my friends are having a guys night at one of their houses."

Damien rose his head and looked at him. "It's a school night." As much as Damien hates school, he wants us all to get a good education. He can be quite chilled and funny but when it comes to important things in life, he becomes strict. He's like the dad of the house.

"I know, we're gonna go to school in the morning. Come on Damien, I'm not Damon. I'm gonna go to school." Daniel pleads.

Damien thought for a moment until he agreed.

"Thanks bro!" He then dug into his pancakes. It was all peaceful until the final one came down.


Damon is the sibling I...dislike the most. He's the 17, cockiest most arrogant, one with the biggest ego. However, he is still protective over me wherever I go. And, he is probably the world biggest player. He has probably 'done' so many women. More then Damien and Daniel added up together then multiplied by 7 then subtracted by 4 before adding 9

And wow...he wasn't wearing a shirt. I didn't stare because one: he's my bro-ew and two: all my brothers have a six pack and I see them walking around shirtless everyday.

"Hello people that I've been living with for 17, horrible, painful years ." We feel your pain bruh-I live with you

Daniel and Damien say hello whilst I finish of eating, not ignoring that fact he greeted us all in a non polite way. Why should I greet him if he says something like that.

We also had a fight yesterday, literally, a physical one. Hence the reason I have a bruise on my right knuckle. I punched his face, which basically did more harm to me then it did to him. Luckily I didn't break any bones. But I had a good reason to punch him: He took the last tub...of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream which was mine. And no...I couldn't have that.

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