22: Stronger Together, Weaker For each other

Start from the beginning

"I may have been ready, but that doesn't mean the nerves went. 'I don't really know how to begin with what I want to say, so please bear with me. I had something planned but it wasn't for this situation or with what I want to say properly. So, Agen- Storm, here it goes... I care about you. More than I should another agent. I want to make you proud of how well I do, and I like it when you smile because of me, I love the way your hair falls around your face when you're working out. I love the way you walk so proud but stutter if you walk into someone, because you think its your fault. I love that you're not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, and I love being the one to make you laugh or smile because nothing makes me happier' you looked at me, your beautiful face so unreadable. Something you were very good at"

"'I wanted to keep our relationship professional and I know there are so many men and boys on the ark that would kill to have your affections... and I just happen to be one of them, you don't need to feel the same, and just one word and I will never talk of this again. But if you think you may grow to care for me then tell me, I am willing to take it at whatever pace you are comfortable with. I just need you to know, you may be on your own here, but you're not alone on the ark. You will always have me to talk to, when you're ready. I know you won't trust me overnight' you cut me off, I think I was annoying you then, you just lent forwards and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, and it worked. You shocked me into silence" Bellamy shut up as I giggled. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me inquisitively.

"Yeah, I did it to silence you, I knew then that you were crazy about me. You would do anything for my validation, but at the same time there was a strength in you, I admired that you put yourself out there in a way I couldn't. Honestly, I felt the same but I wasn't ready. I told myself the kiss was to make you stop talking, but honestly. I wanted to be the one in control of it. To be the one to kiss you because I wasn't ready to say Bellamy Blake made me fall in love with him" I looked to bellamy who had a shocked look on his face which quickly turned into a smirk.

"You know, I never expected you to agree to be my girlfriend that night, I thought you would tell me to take it slow, but you, you've always found a way to surprise me. You told me the condition was that this wouldn't be something we just announced to the public, not that we were hiding it but they found out in their own time. I was so happy to be able to call you mine, you could have told me that no one could know and I would have agreed. I was wrapped around your finger as much as you were mine" I chuckled and nodded. "Then I asked you if I could show you something in my old quarters. You nodded and walked to the bathroom to get changed, and when you came back out.... I don't think you ever looked more beautiful to me. You were in the same black long sleeved shirt you had so many of, and just some black pants, normal wear for under your guard armour, and yet you looked so casual and put together at the same time, you pulled your hair up and tied it in a bun. I bet I was smiling like a dork" he looked to me and I nodded, remember feeling quite anxious because of his staring "you asked if you looked okay and I just nodded, unable to find the words. I took your hand in mine and pulled you through the halls faster than I had ever gone anywhere before" I laughed

"I remember feeling you pull so hard I thought I was going to have shoulder weakness the next day and possibly throw out my shoulder while punching" He blushed and then shrugged.

"We got to my door and I remember turning to you, suddenly terrified. You could have so easily decided to go to Jaha with the information I would soon tell you, I was giving you the power to destroy me. 'whats in here... you can either keep between us, and I hop it will show you that I trust you completely, or you can tell the guard, killing my mother and probably me' I remember watching you as you thought, you looked around as if someone might catch us, but there was an excitement in your eyes. I opened the door and we walked in, my mother was out, probably with some guy. Once I shut the door I called out, so Octavia knew it was okay. She walked into sight and I remember not knowing who looked more shocked. Octavia ran and I laughed. 'Tavy, it's fine. Storm can be trusted' She peeked up and stood slowly"

"How could we trust the assassin?" I said, remembering Octavia's first words about me.

"'because she is my girlfriend, and she is going to help me protect you'" Bellamy whispered, "Octavia was scared, terrified but when we all sat down, you two got on so well. I watched as you spoke about anything and everything. Octavia asking about the ark and how it was to be the only female guard... You opened up to her so easily, I knew that in that moment you were perfect, and you would never hurt my little sister" I nodded, keeping my eyes closed. "when you left, I stayed with Tavy, she couldn't stop asking me about you, and how the hell I had managed to get you to be my girlfriend. Even Octavia was shocked. But then when I left you were waiting outside for me, you held out your hand and pulled me back towards the rooms, not caring who saw us"

"I miss that time, when we had just got together, everything was so innocent" I whispered, opening my eyes and looking back to Bellamy who just laid with his eyes closed and a warm smile on his face.

"Everything was perfect, and I hate how it turned out. I really do, if I could I would go back, and I would have protected us both, even if Octavia remained hidden forever and we died when the Ark ran out of oxygen, life was so easy, so perfect" he sighed, I shook my head.

"No, life on Earth might be difficult and we may be fighting a war every day but Octavia is free, we are working on being civil and I have finally found friends... You're leading as you should be... this is perfect"

"So... where do we go from here?" Bellamy asked and I shrugged, sitting up to look into the water.

"Anywhere. We are stronger leaders together" 

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