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"What the hell?!"

Jongdae scrunched up his face as he leant back onto the headboard of Baekhyun's bed.
"Did he really say that?"

Baekhyun nodded. When he got back home his friends were already there waiting, eager to hear the gossip.

"What a rude ass" Luhan said.

"No.. it's probably not his fault.." Baekhyun replied, trying to stick up for Sehun even when he knew himself that it probably was his fault. "I mean I'm sure a lot of people forget my name"

"Yeah right." Jongdae said.

"What if he just misheard it?" Luhan asked.

"Either way that's not good, is it?"

Baekhyun leant back next to Jongdae and rested his head on his shoulder as he sighed a very deep sigh.

"Can I ask you guys something?" Baekhyun said.

"Of course. Go ahead."

"You know Chanyeol?" The two nodded. "What's his deal?"

"What do you mean?"

Baekhyun took a moment to think... what did he mean? He didn't really know himself, nor could he explain it. All he knew what that Chanyeol was always trying to follow him around. He had been a while, so it was nothing new—he just didn't understand it.


"No tell us " Jongdae said. "Is he stalking you?"

"What? No. Ew that would be weird." Baekhyun said. "He just... keeps trying to talk to me... a lot. I think he knows that I liked Sehun"

"Why? Has he said anything?"

Baekhyun sat up on his bed and fiddled his fingers with his sleeves. He told them how the story went and they listened carefully. It wasn't big news, however Baekhyun still felt a little strange talking about it.

"I think he's jealous that a guy like you didn't fancy him" jongdae laughed.

Baekhyun smacked him on the arm and said "fancy? What, Are you a kid? I don't fancy him... it was just a small crush"

Jongdae scoffed in reply and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. It's nothing. Hopefully he won't talk to me again."


They were at yet another party held by university students. Jongdae knew the students that were hosting it so of course he had to be invited. Which also meant Baekhyun and Luhan were invited too.

Baekhyun wasn't really that bothered to go another party but he did anyway, thinking it might cheer him up a bit. He told himself he was taking a break from liking Sehun and that he wasn't going to make a move today but even when Sehun wasn't even in the room, Baekhyun could help but wonder where he was and whether he'd seen him.

Baekhyun also wasn't in the mood for drinking, which was weird because he was mostly known for having way too many and dancing to girl group songs with Jongdae at full power. Well, it's not like you need alcohol to have fun right?

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