Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Look who's coming." Luke says, before moving away and nodding his head into a direction. I follow his nod, then roll my eyes. It's Shane, heading over to our direction. Like he's about three metros away from us. I stand myself up, and begin to walk away when a hand grabs my wrist pulling me back down to sit on the bench, I roll my eyes at Luke. Why did he need to  pull me down? I don't want to talk to Shane, look at Shane and even smell his amazing smelling cologne he wears. I don't want him in a distances where we breath in the same air. I'm not sure that made sense, but what the heck, I don't give a shit. Luke wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me into him, in a hug.

"Oh, already. Your a fucking that cunt?" Shane asks, I give him a look of confusion. What is he talking about? He knows we're only friends, wait…

 "We're just friends, Shane. And it's none of your business, we're aren't together anymore, so piss off, and go watch the woman carrying your damn child!" I say, moving Luke's arm off of me, I know why he hugged me. It wasn't just because he wanted too, it was because I'm not quite over Shane yet, and I'm- he's just being a good friend, that's all.

"And don't call him that. The only person that's a 'CUNextTuesday' is you!" I say. The word 'cunt' I don't like, it's disgusting and just foul, and I won't say it. I'm sure I've said it before but I just find it yuck. I would try to cut my swearing too, but I'm sorry I just can't help swearing occasionally.

"Hey, I'm not here to fight with you, Yenessa. I'm here to finish what I started with Mr. Fuckface of here. I was enjoying that fight, until you ruined it." I stand up and shove Shane. 

"Don't call him that, Shane." I say, shoving him again. I don't like that he's calling Luke names, I mean the only thing that I know Luke's called him was a dick, and a cunt. But Shane is being very colorful, and I don't like it, I don't like him bagging Luke.

"You got a problem with me calling this dick, what he really is? His a fucking dork, a fucked up piece of shit with a dead father, and a fucked up family who leave him alone, to go do nothing but let him play with that fucking small pinky he calls a dick." Shane says, looking over at Luke, who I know is probably pissed. Dead father? I thought his father left him as a child, that's why he doesn't like getting close to people? But-

I shove Shane again, ready to pound him one.

"Stop calling him names, you arsehole!" I say, shoving him around three times, ready to push him to a wall, and break something. I get pulled away once again from Luke I'm guessing, he pulls me over to the bench, before whispering in my ear.

"Let me deal with this." Luke says. He walks away, his jaw clenched, and his fist balled up, clenched so tight that there turning white. I cover my eyes with my hands, already knowing what's about to happen. I close my eyes, and only hearing the sound of curse words, and punches.

I open my eyes briefly seeing Luke on top of Shane, punching him in the jaw. I cover my eyes with my hands, I don't want to see Luke get hurt…as for Shane, I don't give a shit. He hurt me, but you know…he wasn't much of a boyfriend was he? Like what kind of boyfriend hates hugging their girlfriend and people in general? A heartless one I'm guessing? What kind of boyfriend makes their girlfriend feel like she has some sort of disease, when ever he shared a bed with her? How the hell did I tell myself I was in love with him? Thinking it now…I think I was just be stupid. I think I just liked him a lot, and decided to call it love. I don't think I actually really know what love his, because he didn't show me much of it…it was only kissing. 

"Mr. Logan!" Mr. Brisky yells, I hear students cheering the boys on, I don't open my eyes because I don't want to see the blood I know will be on the ground, and on those boys. I just don't like it, with my fight with Megan and Sarah, it had no blood, with these boys I just know blood will shed.

"Mr. Hemmings!" Mr. Brisky yells, I open my eyes once more, and watch as Mr. Brisky tries pulling Shane away while Mr. Palmer tries pulling Luke away. Luke elbows Mr. Palmer in the stomach, and Shane struggles to get out of Mr. Brisky's grip. I watch as Luke pounces onto Shane, tearing him out of Mr. Brisky's grip, and throwing him to the ground. I swear if I have to try and stop this again….I don't want to get involved.

Luke looks over at me quickly and smiles before getting punched in the face. I swore the blood that was on his face, and I don't want to clean it up this time. I can't do it. I cover my eyes once again, and the yelling, chanting and grunts don't stop.

I stand up and cup my hands around my mouth. But then drop my hands to my sides, if I want them to stop fighting, I'm going to have to try ripping Luke away from Shane, and honestly I don't want too.

I groan before dragging myself over to the crowd, once again. I cut in, and see the boys fighting. Shane's face is full of blood, I look away and face Luke who's face looks the same as Shanes…full of blood. I walk behind him, and wrap my arms around his stomach, and try pulling him away. Like I said, what had happened after that, this was the reason I didn't want to get involved.

"Owy. My stomach." I say, groaning at the pain from Luke's elbow jabbing into my stomach. Luke turns around and see's me standing clutching my stomach that's now winded. 13543 reasons as to why I didn't want to get involved in case something like this happened, but on the bright side…it ended up tearing Luke away from Shane, and made the crowd walk away…because the fighting stop. But honestly I'm fine…he probably got hit once or twice when he took me out of the fight with Megan and Sarah. Friends do that, take one another away from a fight they were in with someone…and well I'm sure if I didn't do what I just did, that there fight would have continued and it would have been ten times messier…so I guess this pain in my stomach was sorta worth it, because it stopped Luke from shedding more blood.

"Shit. I'm so sorry, Ness. I thought you were Mr. Palmer. I don't like that man's hand being on me. I'm sorry, shit. Are you okay?" Luke asks, stumbling on his words, talking super fast. He wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug, he drags me over to a bench sitting me down. Mr. Palmer keeps calling him over to go to the principals office, but he sits here rubbing circles on my back.

"I'm fine. It stopped you from having more blood on you, so it was worth it." I say, the pain that was shooting in my stomach five minutes ago, fading away. 

"Shit. I still can't believe I hit you, a girl, I hit a girl. Jesus Christ." He says, running a hand through his hair. He stands up shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Mr. Hemmings for the tenth time, you need to come with me to the Principals Office, NOW!" Mr. Palmer yells. I roll my voice at his deep yet whiny voice. How can Miss. Jensen be dating him. He's annoying as hell.

Luke kicks the bin, biting his lip.

"I'll go when I fucking please." Luke says, looking down at me.

"I know your going to say sorry again, and if you do. I'll slap you, now go to the Principal's Office before you get into more shit. Go." I say, pushing him with one of my hands. I'm actually quite shocked that my fight with Megan and Sarah never got sorted like that, that no teachers or the principal found out. Wow, I guess we're pretty sneaky right?

He bends down and hugs me tightly before walking away pushing his hands deeper into his pockets, he looks over at me and gives me a closed smile as he follows Mr.Palmer to the room of doom. Hehehe. Principals Office…room of doom…hehe.

I guess I'll need to talk to Luke about the whole 'dead father' thing tomorrow…since I know he's going to be sent home after what happened today, and I'm probably not going to see him for the rest of the week because he'll probably be suspended, so I guess I'll have to ask him about it on Saturday…or Sunday or something. I would text him but I feel it's not something nice to text about.

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