Chapter Three

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Pidge still used the gun symbol, but Hunk's hand looked like a really weird dog. Pidge looked at the symbol, frowning. "What's that one?"

"Dragon," Hunk said, proudly. 

"Now it's getting really good!" said Lance.

"You said that last time they were tied," Keith pointed out. 

"Well, now it's better."

Keith sighed, and turned away from Lance. 

Pidge sighed. "I guess I'll just have to beat you, then. I hope this won't interfere with our friendship."

"Well, I know it won't when I win," said Hunk.

Pidge glared at him. "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"

Pidge's hand was in the shape of a fist with her thumb pointing down, and Hunk's was a fist with his pinky sticking out. Pidge stared at Hunk's hand, then up at him. "I thought you were my friend."

"Lightning beats Tree," said Hunk. "I think I win."

"What just happened," said Tuaste. "I am so confused, I don't even know where to begin."

"He cheated!" cried Pidge, pointing at Hunk.

"I'm not the one that introduced street rules, Pidge!"

Pidge groaned. "Fine."

"If it's any consolation," said Hunk, "you can take your turn sitting out next."

She said nothing, but just glared at Hunk. 

"That was... interesting," said Tuaste. "Split up into pairs. I don't care with whom."

"I'll go against Keith," said Shiro.

"Oh, great," said Lance. "I'm with Pidge? This is going to be too easy."

"Don't underestimate her, Lance," said Shiro. Pidge felt a swell of pride at that.

"All right then," said Tuaste. "I'll walk around you guys, critiquing after these fights are over. Make sure," she said, turning to Pidge, "you observe what is around you. Weaknesses, strengths, things like that."

Pidge nodded, feeling that Tuaste was saying that just for her. 

She turned to face Lance, who was waving his wooden sword in the air. She grabbed hers. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Shiro and Keith start fighting. 

"You make the first move," said Lance.

"Cocky much?"

Lance smirked. "Maybe."

Pidge wanted to make a comment about Lance flirting, but decided against it. Instead, she stood, grabbing the wooden handle tightly, and analyzed Lance's stance. He was standing with his hand on his hip, the wooden sword held limply at his side. The corners of Pidge's mouth turned upward, and she rammed into Lance's stomach. He gasped and stumbled back, ready to attack back, but Pidge was too far away. She glanced over at Shiro and Keith for a brief moment. It was intense, but she saw several weaknesses in Shiro's offense against Keith.

She yelped as Lance lunged at her, drawing her from space into reality. Lance swung his sword, but she just ducked. Over and over and over again, she ducked around Lance. It was tiring, but better than swinging sticks all over the place. She really didn't need to use her training sword. 

Lance brought his sword down, and Pidge barely had time to raise hers in defense. Lance quickly moved into quick, offensive strikes, forcing Pidge backwards, almost making her trip several times. She glanced over at Shiro for a moment, and she could tell that he was very close to making is cyborg arm glow with Galra energy. He kept letting Keith get the better of him, and it really annoyed Pidge. She didn't know why.

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