Chapter 10 (Completed)

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My baby was born, I was in labor for over nineteen hours, I had nothing to hold onto but a cold bed rail. The nurse was stone faced although she saw mircales being born daily.

I got no ounce of love or compassion. 

I held my tiny baby and sobbed. 

It was a baby girl, a sweet, innoccent baby who I named Melody Belinda Chole Dean.

I Grace Dean now had a baby.

I thought about Louis this was his child our child, he'd never know. I clutched her in my arms and fell asleep from exshaution.

When I woke I saw my baby in her incubator breathing slowly I rested back onto the fluffy white pillows.

I saw a figure lurking around the door, I saw the shadow beneath the closed door.

I heard chatter, and the door swung open.

"Of course yes Mr Tomlinson she's right in here" I gripped the bed rail, and attempted to reach for my baby.

"Hello Grace" he spoke.

"Hello" I said, as the door closed behind him.

"I see our baby" he spoke his voice was controlled, but I knew he was angered by my sudden pick up and move.

He leaned in and took baby Melody carefully in his arms.

"I want you to know something" he pulled a chair up beside me, while I relaxed back.

"I never killed my girlfriend, I never harmed my family"

I nod.

"I never intended to harm you, I am rough on the outside Grace. I have go to survive meeting you has shown me things"

I swallow, and look at the tiny baby he cradles, our baby.

"I want us to be a family, we did it all the wrong way, and I know I maybe should have gone after Mia, the real centre stage, but your the centre of my attention, you captured me, you remind me of Eleanor" he pauses "and then you don't in the same way"

He looks down at our child.

"I was angry at Eleanor because she wanted to leave me, I wanted her to see sense, I wanted her mobile phone to read the text she had been sending to someone on the side, I swerved the car Grace, I didn't meant to, but I did, and I ached with hurt for so many months until I took the tickets she had brought for us and I went to the show, she would have been centre stage in the show Grace, but Mia took that spot, I had an eye for you Grace"

She handed me Melody.

"Promsie me you'll come back, we'll try again"

I cuddle Melody "I love you Louis"

He kisses Melody's forehead and them me on the lips "I love you Grace, I'm improving I promise you"

I nod "I want us to be together"

He smiles "I want that to, you must be centre stage in my life Grace for here, now forever"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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Centre Stage (LouisTomlinFF) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now