Chapter ~ 5

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I skipped dance class for the second time, and I was sure my instructor would demand me to come in sooner or later. The next show was less then two weeks away, and the routine was new. But I couldn’t really argue with Louis could? I mean when he rolled up out the front of my work I went with him. He took me to the calm beach. I buried my feet into the sand, and looked out to the horizon. I felt the cool breeze upon my skin, and smiled. Beside my Louis stretched out his long legs, and rested back on his hands, taking in the sky. I looked down at him, as I crossed my legs and settled back more. 

He promised to take me out for a meal. I decided not to let Louis violent nature effect me, we were grown ups. Will he was twenty two, and I was twenty one. He skipped the conversation I started up on ex's. He decided it was not a topic he'd discuss and skipped it all together. He offered me chocolate which surprised me because I with out known it really I was quiet and ate the chocolate he dished out to me in silence. 

I wondered about who his ex's was. If his family went to the extent of filing a restraining order against their own son, what would make his girlfriend break up with him. I realized my mind was running away with me. Lots of reasons was the answers for anyone to break up with someone. But Louis baffled me in the strangest of ways. 

Louis over the evening told me tomorrow he'd watch me practise and say sorry for my lost time to my instructor and smooth the slate. I was not sure that would work, I didn't know Louis long but maybe he would smooth it over. 

He surely maybe could do that. He bought flash wine gave me a red rose, and told me I was the one who deserved a standing ovation. I wasn't sure about that. What was it that made a guy like Louis want to be near someone like me? 

I hoped he was around me for a good reason, and not a bad reason. I hope I wasn’t one of those girls who you pass through and like at the time and go away. I didn't know much about Louis and yes that did in fact bother me. He knew where I lived, worked, and danced. I knew he was a soccer player. It wasn't much. 

I breathed in his heavenly scent, and latched my eyes with his. 

His look was so pure, pleasing, so calm. 

"Want to go?" he asked. As I dabbed the napkin to my lips. 

I simply nodded. 

We left in his car, he drove away in silence. I didn't know where we were going exactly but I knew it wasn't my place. I knew he had something in mind. 

He stopped out the front of an huge apartment block, the roller door in front of the car swung upwards and he drove the car inside it. I held my breathe. 

He stopped the engine and came round to my door. 

I knew this was his place, and I felt nervous. 

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