Chapter - 8

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In the first few months I was allowed to dance. I gave up my apartment as I did not get enough money to support myself. From my independent self I was now completely reliant on Louis. He liked that he had control over me and my wellbeing.

I wish I was more wise that evening, I wish I stopped at one glass of red wine, instead of drown in two or three more glasses. I am not sure if it would have helped to be honest. I do not blame Louis for his actions, although my pregnancy is 50% his doing and 50% percent mine.

Of course I know what this will mean for my dancing career my biggest fear will come to ahead, as my dancer instructor turns me down, and away. Of course Charlotte predicted this would be my ending, I'd be picked up by some guy and whisked away pregnant. She guessed right I just didn't see it.

It was three months, and I had morning sickness for every day of them, Louis was supportive but also feed up, he kindly but directly told me to have an abortion. As it lingered upon my thoughts that his late girlfriend died I wondered why. How could I not?

"I killed my girlfriend" he told me "what will become of you?"

I saw him fight more often, swear and yell and kick at the soccer players, he abused the coachers verbally and came home late, drunk, red and bruised. 

By the fifth month, I highly doubted my safety, I highely doubted the safety of my baby. After one heated evening, Louis picked up a bottle and edged towards me eyeing of my stomach. I was scared, like never before. My father had been a controlled violent, until he lashed out to my sister, and didn't intend to kill her but he did. My Mum took me and we ran. I knew I had to be prepared to do the same thing.

I loved Louis, but I always found myself cautious. The wine that evening made the barriers come down, he let himself into my soft spot, and didn't turn back. I never knew my life would take such a deadly twist. I had four months to decide and I didn't want to see Louis be violent around me again, or towards anyone else, I didn't want to know how his girlfriend died, or what he'd do to me if he dared to try.

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