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Third Person POV

The two reunited at last. They met the others back at sjips co, and parted ways. Zoey, Rythian, and Teep, found a buetiful mushroom forest to make home. There they built blackrock 2.0, with more security however. Rythian didn’t notice, that Zoey was different. He didn’t notice the fire in her eyes whenever they mentioned Duncan. Or the fact that she had a hidden room in her lab. (The lab itself was not a secret) Or that in that room was walls lined with weapons, and plans to destroy Duncan. Teep, however, did notice. But he didn’t mind, he actually helped her in her plans, for he knew that it needed to be done. Rythian would notice, that sometimes teep and zoey would disappear for hours at a time, or that when sjin came to visit he would also disappear, but thought nothing of it. He was clueless, of the war that was being planned right under his nose.

Saving Him /Book 2Where stories live. Discover now