Chapter 9: To many people have been hurt already.

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*Sjins POV*

We found a spot hidden away in the twighlight forest and set up base, then started discussing possabilities. “Well, we could just go and talk to him.” She suggested and I gave her a look. “Yes Zoey, geniuss. Walk into his base and yell ‘LETS ALL GET ALLONG AND HAVE A TEA PARTY,’” I said in a really high pitched-girly voice. “I’m sure that will work.” I said normally, then she burst out lauhing. “ok ok, fair enough.” She said still laughing. “What if we get him to meet us somewhere and we can talk there? So were not right in his grasp, the only problem would be were.” I suggested, and she thought about it. “HoneyDew INC., I’m pretty sure there on our side. They may be duncans friend, but I know they hate seeing him like this.” She suggested, and I agree. “Ok, I’ll go to honeydew inc and talk to them about it, and have them get in touch with Duncan. Then I’ll come right back.”  I said and she shook her head no. “No. I’m going.” She argued. “No, youre not. It’s to dangerous for you. Duncan doesn’t want me yet, he wants you. Its safer if I go.” I told her, and she agreed. “Fine, but I still want to know whats going on, one sec.” she said before running into her makeshift ‘lab’. She came out carrying a small box and put it on the table we were sitting at. She pulled out an earpiece first, “this is so I can talk to you, and hear whats going on.” She said handing it to me. She then pulled out a weird looking thing. “This goes in your helmet, it’s a camera so I can see whats going on, just in case.” She said putting it on my helmet. “Last, this goes on your wrist.” She said handing me a braclet like thing. “Its holographic, so if needed, I can project my image through it.” She said, and I helped her set up her moniters and test the equitment. “All set, now you can go. But be carefull. To many people have been hurt already.” She said with tears forming in her eyes. “I will zoey.” I told her and gave her a hug. “Hey, I’ll be right back.” I told her and she smiled, and I headed off.

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