Chapter 11: What the hell?

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*Duncan’s POV*

I woke up and called for Enderborn. “Yes sir?” he asked as he entered. “Have you been feeding the captives?” I asked, and he nodded, then dismissed him. I decided to go and see how they were doing before noon. I had upgraded there living conditions since the’ve been here. I decided to, instead of cuffing them to posts, to put them in cells. I approached the first cell, Martyn and Toby’s, and their heads quickly turned to my direction, not saying a word. “What? Cat got youre tounge?” I teased. Toby was huddled in a corner, and martyn was sat on his cot. “What is there to say?” Martyn replied dully. “Well, you two aren’t very fun.” I told them as I moved over to Sips’ cell. Hisfirst reaction of seeing me was asking “Has he come yet?” and I shook my head, his face fell. I looked at the time on my watch and decided I should head out. I grabbed my bag of machinery supplies and headed out, stopping at Enderborns chamber first. “Enderborn, I’m going out, keep an eye on them” I told him as I left. I arrived at the factory and went in, the second my feet hit the inside pressure plate for the door, a forcefield instantly surrounded me. “What the hell?” I half-shouted, and sjin came down from the levels. “Sjin?” I questioned, confused to as why he did this. “Hello Duncan, I just want to talk.” He said calmly. “Where’s the girl.” I demanded, knowing she was the only person besides me who could rig this up. “Right here.” Zoey said as she jumped from the level above. “Now, where are our friends.” She asked, but it sounded more like a command than a question. “There in my pocket.” I said sarcasticly, but she considered it for a second. “He’s lieing.” She pointent out. “NooOOoo” I said in fake surprise. “Cut the crap Duncan!” She shouted, and I was genuanly shocked, as was Sjin. “Since when do you curse?” Sjin and I both asked. “Since all of my friends were kidnapped by an ass who also rigged a bomb under my once base, and again IN MY ARM. For once, I think under the circumstances, its acceptable.” She burst. “Now, I’ll ask one more time. Where. Are. My. Friend!” She demanded, quit obviously pissed. “Where do you think they are? Really. Theres only one posabble place.” I told her, and she facepalmed. “Sjin, get the bags, were going to the castle.” Zoey ordered Sjin. “Now, let’s talk.” She said, getting closer. “I have a word or two for you, but not right now, because I have friends to save. But know this Duncan, I will get them. And I will fix whatever you did to them. And then, I will find you. And you will pay.” She said, and Sjin came down holding two bags. “Lets go.” Sjin said to her. “Have fun” I said sarcasticly. “We will. Have fun getting out, I don’t dought you will, but it’ll take a while.” Zoey said as they left.

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