Chapter 13 what do you think of her?

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Zoey’s POV

I got down to the dungeon, toby Martyn and Teep were in one cell , wereas Sips was in another. I approached the first one, wich was Sips’, and as soon as I got into his sight ander grew all over his face. “You! You’re the reason I’ve been stuck in this fucking cage for god knows how long!” He shouted, alerting the trio in the other cell. “Zoey!” Toby and Martyn yelled in sinc, and Tee thought it. “Sips, you need to be quite, I’m here to get you out.” I said carefully, not wanting to upset him. “I don’t need youre help, if it wernt for you I wouldn’t be here!” He shouted again. “Fine, stay here while Martyn, Toby, Tee, and I meet Sjin back at Sjips co. Bye.” I said and began to pick the lock of the trio’s cell. “No wait I changed my mind I do need youre help!” he said relizing what he was implying. I got the lock on the cage I was on and opened it. “Ok, be quite! Tee, take Toby and get out, Martyn, Sips, and I will meet you back at Sjips co main base.” I told Tee who noded and left with Toby. “Why didn’t Tee take me to?” Martyn asked while I was picking Sips’ lock, “You’ll see” I said as the lock broke. “Ok, Martyn you take Sips and do the same I told Tee. I’m going to go help Sjin.” I told him and went up the other staircase, that led to the courtyard. I saw a door open so I stealthed my way over. “Tell me Enderborn, what do you think of her?” I hear Sjin ask. “She is a powerful techno-mage.” Enderborn replied, and I put my ear to the door to hear better. “She is also crazy. My-” *THUD*. I fell in.

Saving Him /Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant