Chapter 10: stop by the Jaffa factory

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*Sjin’s POV*

After a while of walking, I finally made it. “I’m right outside Honeydew Inc., so you know, im going in.” I said aloud, for zoey to hear. “Okay” she said after a moment. “You noded didn’t you.” I said, a grin on my face. “Shut up.” She replied, and I laughed, knowing I was right. I approached the factory and went in. “Hello? Anyone home?” I yelled through the levels. Mumbling could be heard from the floors above, until lewis finally came down. “Sjin? What are you doing here?” he asked slightly confused. “Tell him the plan.” Zoey said in my ear. “I know what to do.” I said in a whisper, and Lewis’ face grew both confused, and slightly worried. “Fine, but just so he knows were not lieing..” she said, and you could hear the tap of buttons. “Hold out your arm.” She instuctedand I did, Lewis was VERY confused, and concerned. “Other arm dummy.” She said back, and I switched arms. “Pres the blue button.” She instructed again, and I did. A holograph of zoey appeared from the bracelet. “Zoey!” Lewis whisper-shouted. Zoey spoke in my ear, relised only I could hear her, and nodded. “Sjin! What have you done with her! I swear if you hurt her…” He began, and zoey reasoned, still in my ear. “Zoey, only I can hear you.” I said and she facepalmed. “Press the green button.” I did, and she repeated what she said. “Lewis I’m fine. Sjin helped me, I’m not there because its not safe for me. Let us explain.” She said,and we told him what was happening, and the plan. “Okay, we’ll help.” Lewis said. “Thank you.” Zoey said, and I noded in approval. We agreed on a time, and a lie for Lewis to get Duncan here. “Okay, see you then.” I said and left.

*Duncan’s POV*

 “Duncan? It’s Lewis!” A voice, obviously Lewis, shouted, and I opened the door. “What is it?” I spat, obviously not happy he dropped by. “Well, I was wondering if you could stop by the Jaffa factory tomorrow around noon, Simon mucked up one of the machines and I can’t figure it out.” He asked, and I agreed, he then left. I shut the door and went back to my machines. “Master, who rang?” Enderborn asked. “Nobody. Dismissed.” I told him, and he did. Enderborn only knows of threats on the server. So he has no idea who Lewis is, and I plan to keep it that way.

*Zoey’s POV*

Sjin came back and we made arangments. We planned to set up a small forcefield in the factory, around Duncan. Not to trap him per say, mainly for our safety. We knew I couldn’t go until Duncan left his castle, or his moniters would pick me up, so we set up a connected twighlight portal from our camp, to the factory. We waited for it to get dark, and set up the force field by the door, and made it only acessable from the outside. Then we got back before Duncan would wake up to check his moniters.

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