Chapter 17: Meant To Be Yours

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*3rd Person*

"Hiding in the closet? Come on! Open the door," Travis knocked on the closet door, a smile present on his tanned face.

"No, I'll scream, my parents will call the police," Zane gathered up the bedsheets he spotted before, tying them together.


"All is forgiven, baby. Come on out and get dressed! You're my date to the pep rally tonight!" Travis exclaimed, fishing a sheet of paper out of his trench-coat pocket.

"What? Why?" Zane questioned, barely hearing himself over how loud his heartbeat was in his ears.

"Your classmates thought they were signing a petition," Travis started, reading over the list of names. "You gotta come out here and see what they really signed!"

Travis set the paper down on Zane's desk, grinning bigger. He put his hands on his hips, banging on Zane's closet door once again. No answer. He sighed, shaking his head.

"You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead! But, but, but, then it hit me like a flash, what if high school went away instead?" Travis laughed psychoticaly, arms folded over his chest. "Those assholes are the key, they're keeping you away from me. They made you blind, messed up your mind, but I can set you free!"

Again, there was only silence. This only made Travis even more angered. He stomped around Zane's room, taking a seat on his bed.

"You left me and I fell apart. I punched the wall and cried, Bam! Bam! Bam!" Travis exclaimed, punching his fist into his hand, to emphasize the point. "Then I found you changed my heart, and set loose all that truthful shit inside!"

That's when an idea hit Travis. He jumped from the bed, grinning widely. Maybe he could get his lover to cooperate, if he told him of his plan! Genius idea! That's sure to win him over.

"And so I built a bomb! Tonight our school is Tu'La! Let's guarantee they never see their senior prom!" He threw his body against the door of the closet, dragging his hands down it. "I was meant to be yours. We were meant to be one. Don't give up on me now. Finish what we've begun..."

The lack of a proper response, was getting to Travis. It annoyed him. Made his blood boil with rage and anger. How dare Zane act this way towards him?

"I was meant to be yours... So when the high school gym goes 'boom!', with everyone inside,
Pchw! Pchw! Pchw!" He mimicked explosions, giggling evilly under his breath, as he finger-gunned in the direction of the door. "In the rubble of their tomb, we'll plant this note explaining why they died!"

Travis groaned, walking back over to Zane's desk. He picked up the petition sheet, ripping off something taped to the back of it. He held the written note in his hands, pacing around Zane's room, as he read it.

"We, the students of Phoenix Drop High, will die. Our burned bodies will finally get through, to you. Your society churns out slaves and blanks. No thanks. Signed the students of Phoenix Drop High. Goodbye."

Travis clapped his hands together, setting the note back in his pocket. He skipped back over to the door, to hear shuffling from the inside. That gave him some kind of hope.

"We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors, bring marshmallows, we'll make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!" Travis sighed dreamily, imagining all of the wonderful things he could do with his one true love. The one person, who understood how Travis felt about society, and the world. "I was meant to be yours. We were meant to be one. I can't make it alone. Finish what we've begun."

Travis knocked once. Twice. Three times. Impatience was taking over. He balled his fists, a bit fed up with being ignored.

"You were meant to be mine.
I am all that you need. You carved open my heart, can't just leave me to bleed! Zane!" Travis slammed all of his force onto the door, gritting his teeth. He brought his tone down a little, trying not to alert Zane's parents. "Open the- open the door, please! Zane, open the door! Zane, can we not fight anymore, please? Can we not fight anymore? Zane, sure, you're scared, I've been there! I can set you free! Zane, don't make me come in there. I'm gonna count to three!"

Travis backed away from the door, rolling up his sleeves. He patted his other pocket, double-checking that his gun still rested there. He needed it, just in case.

"One," Travis started, getting flashbacks from the time they killed Dante and Aaron. "Two..." He couldn't wait any longer. "Fuck it!"

At full force, Travis kicked down the door to Zane's closet. He looks around for him, not spotting him for a second. That didn't make any sense...he was just in here a moment ago. There was no possible way he could've escaped. Travis kept thinking of the possibilities, until he spotted something... Something rather, unsettling.

In front of him, dangled two legs, hovering over the ground. Two black slippers, resting on the feet- along with dark blue stockings. Looking up, Travis was faced with a sight that made him gasp.

Zane- hanging from the ceiling. A homemade noose, crafted from bedsheets, around his neck. His head was hung, and his dark black hair covered his facial features. Travis dropped to his knees, mostly in shock.

He couldn't believe that Zane had gone through with it. Sure, he was coming up here to kill him! But, he was going to try and win him back first! They could've toasted marshmallows together!

"Oh my Irene! No! Zane!" Travis pleaded, running a hand through his powder white hair. "Please don't leave me alone... You were all I could trust... I can't do this alone."

Travis shook his head, shakily standing to his feet. He looked up at Zane, tears forming in his emerald green eyes. The sound of footsteps could be heard, and Travis walked towards the window. He stepped one foot out of it, glancing back one last time.

"Still, I will if I must!"

"Zane!" Zianna called her son's name, heading up the stairs to his room. Travis took that as a sign to book it, as he climbed out his window. "I brought you a snack! Zuzu?"

The bedroom door creaked open, as Zianna stepped inside the dark room. She flipped on the light switch, holding a small plate with a cupcake resting atop it, in one hand. Zianna looked around the room, searching for her little ZuZu.

She noticed the closet door, that had been almost ripped off the hinges. Zianna stepped over, and glanced inside of her son's closet. That's when, glass shattered beneath her feet, as she dropped her plate. All followed, with an ear-piercing scream.


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