Chapter 14: Shine A Light (Reprise)

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"They didn't kill themselves, I killed them!" I exclaimed.

After a moment, of pure, deafening silence, I was able to process what I said. Everyone stared at me, with unreadable expressions. Well? I just confessed to a murder! Not even that, but multiple murders! Where's the police?!

"So," I stepped back into line, "what do you all think of that?"

There was another pause, of silence. That was, until, everyone broke out into laughter. People pointed at me, laughing loudly, or giggling. I was so utterly confused. I looked over at Travis, who was originally giving me a death glare. His expressions were now softened, as he crossed his arms.

"Some people will say anything if they think it'll make them popular," Zenix walked up to me, laughing loudly in my face, with his hands on his hips.


I ran away, with Travis following behind me. I couldn't believe it... But, that didn't matter right this second. All that mattered, was that I needed to find Sasha... I couldn't bare to see her hurt herself.

*3rd Person*

Sasha stood in front of the sink, struggling to open the pill bottle she had stolen from home. She grunted, trying her hardest to find a way to open it. Though, her efforts were futile.

"Stupid child-proof caps!" Sasha exclaimed, beginning to hit the bottle against the edge of the sink.

"Aw, look," a voice chimed from seemingly nowhere. Sasha glanced up, into the bathroom mirror. Instead of being faced, with her usual reflection- she saw Zenix. He sneered at her, looking all too realistic. "Sasha's going to-"

Behind him, various forms of Sasha's fellow students faded into existence. "Whine, whine, whine all night."

"You don’t deserve to live," Zenix leaned his body up against the glass, making himself tower over the quivering Sasha- who was still failing to open the pill bottle.

"Why not kill yourself?"

"Here," a deformed version of Zenix's hand, reached through the glass of the mirror. He forcefully grabbed Sasha's hand, helping her to open the bottle. "Have a sedative!"

"Whine, whine, whine."

"Like there’s no Santa Claus," Zenix mimicked crying, as he fully stepped out of the mirror.

"You’re pathetic because you whine!"

"You whine all night!"

Zenix walked up to Sasha, prodding at her. He seemed to only grow in stature, as Sasha felt weaker and weaker. She looked down at the bottle which she held, contemplating her decision. If she threw away her shot at this chance, to end her life now- where would she be? Back to being Zenix's personal step-stool. Being shunned by the people who used to look up to, and fear her.


"Your ass is off the team," Zenix placed a hand on his hip, his red eyes gleaming with pure hatred.


"Go on, and bitch and moan."


"You don’t deserve the dream.

"Whine," the deformed, blurry students stepped out of the mirror, standing at Zenix's side.

"You’re gonna die alone."

Everyone closed in on Sasha, who had dumped a large amount of pills into her hand. They repeated the same horrid words over and over, ringing in her ears. "Die alone! Die alone! Die alone! Die alone!


I raced through the school halls, somehow losing Travis along the way. I've been searching everywhere for Sasha, and I couldn't seem to find her. That was, until I heard muffled crying from the other side of the bathroom door.

That has to be her...everyone else is at the assembly.

Unfortunately for me, Sasha was a girl- and was of course, in the girl's bathroom. I'll deal with a proper scolding later, though. My friend's life could be on the line! I am not letting anything happen to her! Sasha doesn't deserve it!

I quickly pushed open the bathroom door, looking around. Then, I spotted someone... Sasha, to be exact. She stood in front of the sink, with an empty pill bottle tossed to the ground beside her. Sasha held a ton of them in her hand, which she popped into her mouth. She's planning to overdose, isn't she?!

"No! No, no, stop, stop!" I ran over, knocking Sasha onto the ground.

She sat there, her cries smothered by the pills in her mouth. Through them, her words were muffled, but I was able to make them out. "Suicide is a private thing."

"Throwing your life away to be a statistic in US-Fucking-A Today? That's like the least private thing I can think of," I placed my hand on her shoulder, sighing a little under my breath.

"But what about Gene, and Aaron and Dante?" She named all of the people that Travis and I have bumped off, as a few stray, orange pills fell from her mouth.

"If everyone jumped off a bridge, young lady, would you?" I gave her a comforting look, placing my other hand on her cheek.

Sasha nodded her head, clearly ashamed of her answer. "Probably."

I sighed once again, moving my hand from her cheek to her own hand. "If you were happy every single day of your life, then you wouldn't be a'd be a game show host."

Sasha nodded once again, cupping her hands in front of her. She spit out the pills into her hands, as large amounts of tears streamed down her pink cheeks. She glanced over at me, giving a warm smile.

"Thanks for coming after me," she sniffled.

"You're welcome," I held her hand again, tighter this time.

Sasha pulled me into a hug, resting her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her, and rubbed her back. My words from weeks and weeks ago, came back to me... And, those diary entries made me rethink what we've been going through...

"I think there's good in everyone."

"But I can be beautiful. I pray, for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful..."

And today can be that day...


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