"Good luck." I smile as the elevator doors open, but Gibbs places a kiss on my forehead before letting me walk out. "Emily." I turn around to catch the keys of his car before watching the doors close again.

"Mahalo." I whisper to myself.

Tony DiNozzo's POV

"Is she okay?" I ask Gibbs as he walks from the elevator. He shakes his head.

"Let's go find out." He pulls his gun from the drawer and looks to McGee.

"I lost it, boss."

"Lost what?" I ask, confused.

"I tried to trace the call, but they hung up too soon." I sighed.

"You can track my car, can't you?" Boss asks, looking at McGee.

"Yeah. It should only take me a few- I got it!" He then pulls the information up on his laptop so we could take it, I assume.

"Boss, what did she say to you?" I ask.

"She didn't want help."

"So why are we going?" We step into the elevator.

"She's saved my ass enough times, I might as well save hers'." I would have laughed if it weren't under such serious circumstances. "That okay, DiNozzo?"

"Yeah, Boss."

Emily McGarrett's POV

I let out a sigh before opening the car door, getting out and looking at the large abandoned apartment building in front of me. I take my gun from its holster and lay it in the front seat.

Before I could even move, I think about everything that could go wrong. Habit, probably.

What if he's not even here? No. If he's not here, he won't get the chance to kill me.

What if he doesn't have Steve here? If he didn't, I wouldn't let him kill me.

He's going to kill me. This is it. I'm going to die.

I'm sorry Cath.

I walk through the front doors, alert. I think over the text once again.

'Go to the 4th floor, room 4E. Knock first.'

Silently, I make my way up to the 4th floor. My knuckles hit the door before I can even begin to think of a plan.

The door opens soon after my hand leaves the door. "Emily McGarrett. How nice to see you! Right this way." He directs me into the living room area.

Chained to the chair, head down, blood dripping from somewhere on his body, was my older brother. I gasped slightly before trying to get to him, but Collins was holding me back. At the sound of rustling, my brother, although in pain, looks up to see me.

"Not so fast, darling." It was only then had I noticed there was another chair next to Steve.

I sit in the chair with a silent huff and put my hands together in front of me. He immediately chains them together.

"We had a deal, Collins. You have me. Let him go."

"Well, you know us criminals, not really ones to tell the truth." I groan.

"You know, I never expected you to talk as much as you do. I thought it'd be more grunts." I chuckle to myself as I watch him fume. He punches Steve in the stomach.

"Hey, Tommy!" I knew the nickname would only provoke him more, but that was the goal after all. "If you want to hit something, you hit me. Leave him alone."

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