Save me

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Kale's pov

I have her. Finally. She's mine.

I knew I had to have her the first time I saw her. She was six. She was watching tv with her two year old sister. She was so beautiful. I was going to wait until she was older but seeing her in that dress made me have to have her.

And no one else is ever going to have her.

Sherlock's (like I promised.) Pov

"JOHN! IM BOORED!" I yell to John as I shoot another bullet at the smiley face on the wall.

"Well then do something besides shoot walls." he says from the kitchen.

"I haven't had a case in a week. I'm bored." I reply.

Just then my phone rings. It's Lestrade.

'Sherlock' he says over the phone. 'I have a case for you.'

"Yes!" I exclaim "text me the address and I'll be there." I hang up.

"Come along John. We've got a case!"


When we get to the crime scene I can see many people there and an ambulance including a group of girls who look around 13 crying.

'Victim's friends' I deduce.

I walk up to the house just as a little girl is rushed out of the house on a stretcher. I walk inside the house. Lestrade is standing near two biddies who have been shot with several bullets.

"Who's the girl?" John asks as we walk up to him.

"Victims youngest daughter." Lestrade said as I examine the bodies. I already knew that.

"The killer pushed her down the stairs but she was still barely breathing when we got here. " Knew that to.

"Where's their other daughter." I ask Lestrade.

"How did you know they had another daughter?"

"Photos on the wall tell me she was about 13 and a dancer. Dance pictures everywhere. And you said their youngest daughter which implies they had another."

"Yes well we don't know where Mary Anne is. The killer took her. There's a rag with chloroform on it upstairs."

"Any signs of forced entry?" john enquires.


"So the killer knew the family." I state. 

"Yeah most likely."

"When can I speak with the youngest daughter. "

"Sarah had many broken bones and internal bleeding. She may not make it out of surgery. " Lestrade says.

"Hey Freak" Sally Donovan says as she walks up behind us. "So have you 'deduced' anything yet?" she asked in a mocking tone putting air quotes around deducing.

"Yes I have." I say. "Judging by the boot print out side the killer is about 6foot and weighs about 200 pounds. He's traveling in a van - a Honda- according to the tread marks outside. And he's got Mary Anne."

"Sherlock would you mind coming to the hospital with me. If Sarah makes it out of surgery we need to speak with her immediately after. " Lestrade says.

"Yes coming." I say.

"Bye freak!" Sally says fake enthusiastically as I leave.


At the hospital we learned that Sarah died just after they got her here.

"But she kept muttering one thing." The nurse Rory said.

"And what's that" I asked.

"Mr. Kale did it." he said. "That mean any thing to you?"

"No but it will help. Thank you." john said kindly to the man.

Outside I looked at Lestrade.

"I need to speak to the girls that we're outside the house." I told him.

"Ok. I can have them at the police station in half an hour.'' He says.


Half an hour later a group of young teenage girls sit crying in the station.

"Girls I know this is hard but-"

"Do you know of a man named Kale?" I interrupt John.

One of the girls eyes widened. I think her name was Annie Mae.

"Kale Tracy. He was staying over at the Grace's house yesterday night. He was a family friend. Why? did he have something to do with it?"

"We don't know yet but that information will be very helpful." Lestrade told the girl.

We all walk out of the room.

"Find me everything you can on Kale Tracy." I tell Lestrade.

"Will do."


A/N Yay four updates in one day. I'm good. Anyway here's the Sherlock pov I promised you all. And I tried to make it longer. Bye

Keep being fabulous


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