Crime scenes

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Mary Anne's POV

The next morning I wake up to the sound of violin music. I jerk up into a sitting position and look around the unfamiliar room I'm in. That's when I realize I'm in Sherlock and John's flat and my family is dead. I push back my tears as I find the source of the music. Its Sherlock and he's standing over me with his violin.

''Um.. hello?'' I almost ask as he steps back from the couch.

''Bored" he say as if that explains everything.

"Um OK?'' I ask. I look at the clock.

"Sherlock it's three in the morning."

"Yes. John threw his pillow at me and told me to shut up when I tried to wake him up."

"And you woke me up because."

"I'm bored keep up."

"Ugh." I say since he's apparently not going to let me go back to sleep. I sit up and grab the TV remote and turn it on. The Doctor Who theme song comes on and I immediately hear feet on the floor and John appears.

"I heard Doctor Who." He states as he flops down beside me.

"Why did you get up for crap Telly and not for me?" Sherlock nearly whines.

"Because the Doctor is better than you." John says sticking his tongue out at the detective. He turns back to the tv. Ok I know something has to be going on between them.

About 4 hours later, Sherlock gets a phone call.

"Yes.. uh huh..... alright see you there."
he puts the phone away. "John, we have a case!" he yelled excitedly. 

"What about Mary Anne?" John asks.

"Can I go?" I ask. They both turn and look at me weirdly. I shift uncomfortably.

"Why do you want to go?" John asks me.

"Because I kinda want to work at Scotland Yard and if I go it'll give me experience?" I ask unsure.

"Alright let's go!" Sherlock screams.

"What!?" John asks "she can't go with us!"

"Why not?"

"Because she's thirteen. She can't see this!"

"I think she's seen quite a lot the past couple of days John." Sherlock says. John goes quiet.

"Fine." John finally grumbles.


At the crime scene I see D.I. Lestrade with a woman I don't recognize.

"Hey Freak! Why are you here and why do you have a girl with you?" the woman asks. I tensed up.

"Ah Sally. It's so lovely to see you still can't remember my name. Back with Anderson I see. How long did you scrub his floors this time?" Sherlock says with a smirk.

"Why you little bi-"

"Hey. Just who do you think you are?" I ask stepping up. She sneers at me.

"Really Sherlock. Getting kids to stick up for you now. Isn't your boyfriend John enough."

"I'm not his boyfriend!" John exclaims.

"Um Sherlock isn't making me do anything. I'm sticking up for him because I know your kind. You're the witch that has to put everyone down to feel better about herself. Well you know what. You can flip off because whenever I'm here you will not disrespect anyone. You hear me. Unless you want me to tell Anderson's wife about your little trips to his house to scrub his floors. Seriously you need up get that checked out. Might make some permanent damage." I say/rant as I get up in her face.

"Why you little b-"

"Don't you even think about letting that word leave your mouth Sally." Sherlock says in a threatening manner. With that me and him get under the police tape and to the crime scene leaving John standing there with his mouth open. Once we're out of earshot we burst out laughing.

"Oh the look on her face!" I say.

Once we're calmed down enough Sherlock looks at me and said

"Thank you. I don't think anyone has ever done that for me."

"No problem."

And with that we head over to a glaring Sally with John and D.I. Lestrade.


A/n HI GUYS.  I'm really sorry I haven't updated but the last few weeks of school were nasty and I didn't have time to update. But it's summer now so I'll try harder to update more often.

Keep being fabulous


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