The Wedding!

418 11 4

...6 months later...

(This chapter is the entire wedding because I didn't want to split it up so it is a little longer and it is also split up into Iris' and Barry's views on different things. ENJOY!)

Iris' P.O.V.

     Whhooooo, breathe! Just breathe, you can do this. "Ow! That's a little tight!" I told Linda, who was tying up my wedding dress. "Sorry, I just don't want it to fall off of you during the ceremony." She said, with a little laughter and nervousness in her voice. "Ha, yeah. It's fine, it was probably fine I'm just so nervous." I told her with a sigh. She peered at me through the mirror from behind. Then she twirled me around and rested her hands on my shoulders. "Do you love Barry?" A smile spread across my face. "Yes more than anything!" I told her, without a single drop of doubt in my voice. "Then that's all that matters." She said with a small smile. She spun me back around and finished tying up my dress. 

Barry's P.O.V.

     "Cisco is it normal to be nervous?" I asked him as I quickly ran my fingers through my hair. I wanted to make sure myself and everything else was perfect. "How would I know? I can't even get a girlfriend." Cisco said playfully as he finished tying up his bow tie. I laughed a little at the fact that the only girlfriend Cisco had ever had turned out to be a reincarnated hawk woman with a true love set out already for her. I went back to tying up my own bow tie but couldn't get it to work. Bow ties were hard enough and add on a ton of nerves traveling at super speed. "Here let me help you with that Mr. West-Allen-Stress-Monster. I smiled weakly at Cisco joke and he started tying my bow. "Straighten your neck a little bit por favor." I did as Cisco instructed. I was gazing of into space when Cisco snapped me out of it. "Hey! Earth to Barry." Cisco said as he waved his hand in front of my face and snapped his fingers. "You getting cold feet or something?" He asked, it seemed a little to serious to be a joke. "What? No! No no no of course not. Are you?" I wished I could take the last part back. Cisco just laughed. "Barry, dude, I know you too well for that. Talk to me what's going on in the big Flash brain of yours?" He said as he sat down on a chair in my dressing room. I shrugged and leaned against the counter top. "I don't know. I guess, I guess I just am af-riad that I won't be able to give Iris what she deserves. The life she deserves. The family she deserves." I finished and looked at the floor. "Bear, Iris loves you. She would love anything and everything you would and do, do for her. Plus like Felicity says you are like pudding. Everyone loves pudding." Cisco said, he rested his hand on my shoulder. "Now come on, lets go and get you married. And anyway, if you mess it up, you can just run back in time and do it over again." I laughed a little and went to follow Cisco.

Iris' P.O.V.

     Knock knock. "Iris, you almost ready?" I heard my dad ask through the door. "Yeah We're almost done!" I hollered to him. Linda was just finishing the last touches of my hair and makeup. "Annndd, you are done!" Linda said, she puffed the brush in my face for a more dramatic effect. I slowly stood up and walked over to the mirror. Linda had perfected the smoky eye look with silver and black eye shadow. My dress had clear silk like fabric from neck to the center front and down through the sleeves. The dress had patterned lace going down the arms coming from the bust area and the lace flowers went down the bodice and fanned out down the waist. The lace pattern slowly dissipated further down the skirt. My hair was swooped back and fell down in a long pony tail. Curls fell gently down my back and it was all gently held in place by a beautiful flower hair clip. "You look positively gorgeous! Barry might just faint when he sees you!" Linda said sweetly from behind me. I turned around and ran to hug her. "Thank you! For all the support." I squeezed her a little tighter. "No problem! You're my best friend!" I stepped back and let out a breath. "Ready to me Iris West-Allen?" She asked with excitement. "I couldn't be more ready!" I told her, happiness filling my voice. I walked over to the door and turned the knob. When my dad saw me he started tearing up. "You look amazing sweet heart!" He said, trying to hold back the happy tears. "Thank you daddy!" I said as I gave him a hug. "Let's not keep Barry waiting!" He said, after a long hug. "Yeah, he is probably a nervous wreck out there by himself." I said will a giggle.

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