Surprise Gift

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Iris' P.O.V

     It was seven in the morning and I had just finished getting ready for work. Seeing the time I wolfed down the rest of my oatmeal and rushed out the door. As I was walking out the door my foot ran into something round and hard! It didn't hurt too much, I was feeling more of a shock not pain. I turned around and saw the I had knocked over a... flower pot? What's a flower pot doing in my door way? I wondered. I bent over and used my hand to scoop up all of the soil that had fallen out of the pot and dump it back into the pot. I didn't have time to figure out who it belonged to and return it before work so I took it with me.

     I opened the big glass doors to the CCN and walked over to my desk. Once I sat down I put my new found flower next to my computer and grabbed all of my annotations out of my bag. I was about to start turning my annotations into helpful notes but then my phone buzzed. I picked up my phone and saw that it was from a strange number. The message read: *&%$%#^%&^^$#%$??":><<"{{})(. What? What does that even mean. Its probably just a scam. I thought. I went back to work and started reading all of my annotations. There was actually not as many annotations as I thought there would be. 

     I had just finished making my more detailed notes when my best friend Linda came over and interrupted my thoughts. "Hey Iris! Nice flower you got there!" She said cheerfully.Linda was about my size and had short black hair around her round sweet face. She was always a good friend and she usually had a mischievous look in her eye.  I looked at her and then back at the flower. In my rush this morning I hadn't even stopped to look at the flower that was growing in the pot. It was glowing pink and green and the blossom was all closed up. I knew tht it was just my mind but it almost looked like glowing pink pollen like sparkles were falling off of it. One thing was for sure, the flower looked so peaceful and beautiful. "Thanks! It was a surprise gift from, a surprise person." She smiled as she leaned on the edge of my cubicle. "By that surprise person do you mean Barry?" I shook my head and said, "No, it just showed up on my door today with my name on it." I said with a small laugh in my voice. "Oh, well how are you and Barry?" She asked with that teenage girl look in her eyes. "I think we're good." I said as I turned back to my work. "Uh oh. What did that stupid boy do? Do I need to pull out my book of revenge ideas?" I laughed and faced her again. "No no you don't need to do that. He didn't do anything. It's just that yesterday I invited him over and he said no. It's just not like Barry to pass up a date with me. I know it's stupid and I am getting upset over nothing so I have just tried to forget about it." A frown spread across her face. "He just said no? That's not like Barry at all." I realized I had said the wrong thing. "Well no, he didn't just say no he said he had to work out today and he offered other days to get together." She smiled and gave me a mom look. "Iris, Barry loves you. Everyone can see that! And he was probably just busy working out like he said he was. The fact that he offered other days to hang out with you shows that he still likes you and he was just busy." I nodded my head. "Yeah you're right. He has his own life and I can't expect him to be with me twenty four seven. Thanks Linda." She crossed her arms and smiled. "No problem!"

     "Anyway, Watcha workin on?" She asked. I turned around to face her and smiled.  "Oh just a story I've been working on." I said as I nodded my head. She raised one eyebrow and got that look in her eye that told me that she was going to find out what I was working on. "Iris. I'm your best friend you really think I can't tell when you are hiding something from me?" She pulled over a stool and sat down. "So, what story are you working on." She said with a smile. I let out and sigh and gave up trying to hide it. "I am working on a story about the Five Ferocious Fighters." She nodded her head and looked amused. "Ahhh I see. And I'm guessing that you dad and Barry don't want you looking into it." I slowly nodded my head up and down. "Yeah they think it is 'to dangerous.'" She said  that last part in synchronization with me. She knew me and my family well. "Well I will help you with anything you need. There was actually some files about them delivered to us this morning and they had your name on them." My eye brows knitted together and I looked at the floor. I didn't ask anyone for any deliveries. Besides the only people with information about them is the police and I had to go and get it myself. What does this mean? I pondered. "Earth to Iris!" Linda said as she waved her hand in front of my face. "Look I'm going to go get a subway sandwich what do you want me to get you?" I looked up at her and processed what she said. "No, you don't need to get me anything! I brought lunch today but thank you!" She shrugged her shoulders and stood up. "Okay, but we need to get lunch sometime soon." She said as she walked away. "Yes! I'll text you!" I watched her disappear behind the cubicles and then got back to work.

     After I had finalized my notes, made my outline, and created a document I got up and went to the restroom. When I got back I saw the pile of files Linda was telling me about. It was only about half of the size of the pile I had printed from the CCPD was. I sat down at my desk and saw my name written on the front in big bold red letters. Before I opened red the files my phone buzzed again. It was another message from the same number saying a series of random numbers and letters. What is with this guy? I wonder if I can block his number. I opened my phone and went into his automatically created contact. Sadly there was no option to block the mysterious number. I'll just have to ignore it. Maybe I can have my dad or Barry take a look at it. 

     I let out a sigh because Lind had given me more work. It would help my story a lot! But I would have to go through and annotate more files. I closed my document, shoved all of my papers into my work bag, and headed out the door. I let out a sigh and looked at the ground. I should have been paying attention to my surroundings because before I knew it I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.


Soooo did you like it? Did you like it? Did you like it, like it like it? (A little Alisha Marie for ya there :D) So did you like it? What did you think of Linda? I wasn't sure if I was portraying her right but I tried my best. What did you think about the flower? Ehhh? Ehhh? 

*****SIDE NOTE: Thank you for over 100 views!!!!!!! That was my goal and I love you guys so much for it! You are awesome!! And amazing! and beautiful! Thank you tHaNk YoU THANK YOU!!*****

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