Felicity and Iris

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Iris' P.O.V

     We found the Triple F on the rooftop of Jitters in the middle of his fellow siblings. I saw that Brundon and Caleb stood on his right side while Diego and Eve stood on his left. Eve carried the death sword, Diego carried the force field gun, Brundon carried the monster canon, Arthur and Caleb didn't have anything with them on the outside. "Flash! I knew you would show, oh and you brought your friends! How cute! Wait is that? Is that the insignificant reporter girl? I thought you would be dead by now." Arthur said with an evil grin spread across his face. He was trying to make me mad and I didn't want to give him what he wanted but I couldn't help but sneer. I was about to speak up and defend myself but Barry had my back. "She is more significant than you could ever dream to be!" He said, strong and firm. It wasn't like Barry t be so direct but it was really nice that he stood up for me. "And I am far from dead!" I added to give him more support. He just tilted his head and stuck his bottom lip out to form a pouty face. "Well we'll see about that!" I got my game face on and looked to see which one I could take on. I carefully studied each one. Barry will probably take on Arthur but he probably has the mystery weapon hidden somewhere so that wouldn't be wise. Cisco should help him. I signaled Cisco to go for Arthur. Now Oliver's arrows seemed to take down the monsters well. Him and Thea should take on the monsters. I motioned at both of them to go for Brundon. That leaves Diego Eve and Caleb. Diggle should take on Caleb and me and Felicity should be able to handle Diego and Eve with a little team effort from everyone else if needed. I nudged Felicity and then pointed at Even and Diego, then I got Diggle's attention so he would focus on Caleb. Once he is done he can help me and Felicity and we can go down the line. Once my thoughts had finished both sides charged each other.

     I held Felicity back so that we could make some sort of plan. "Okay so we need to take care of Eve and Diego. Eve has a sword that will kill you if it touches you and Diego has a gun that shoots force fields. We need a plan so that we don't get killed." I explained to her as fast as I could as I tried not to waste time. She thought for a second. "Oh I know what if,-" Then her sentence was interrupted by Eve. We saw her slowly walk towards us with an evil grin fixed on her face. She was sliding the tip of her sword on the ground as she went. It cut through the cement rooftop with ease and a trail of black dust formed from where the sword had touched. "Hello girls. Let's have some fun!" She said, with a hint of evil cackle in her voice. "Get behind me!" I ordered Felicity. She obeyed and stood behind me but stuck her head out to see what I was about to do. I quickly raised my right arm and straightened my fingers to send an electric shock flying through the air. It hit Eve directly in the chest causing her to fall to the ground with a thud. "Nice shot!" Felicity applauded. "Thank you!" I replied with a small curtsy. "I am getting used to these hand guns that Cisco gave me. He got the idea from a character in a Marvel comic book." She smiled, probably about how much of a comic book nerd Cisco was. "Ladies, ladies. Why don't we start playing fair." Diego said as he crept up on us. "I got this guy, you handle her. I nodded and she charged at Diego. I watched as her fist hit his jaw. He stumbled back, struggling to regain his balance. She didn't let him, she kicked him in the chest and sent him flying to the ground. I smiled at how awesome Felicity was. Then out of no where I felt and immense pain my jaw.

     I stumbled down to the ground but was able to catch myself with my hand at the last second. The pain felt like liquid fire was coursing through my blood and bones. I slowly lifted my hand up to my jaw and massaged it lightly. "You made the mistake of letting your guard down. I could have killed you just now and you wouldn't even have realized it. "But you didn't." I slowly said as I got up. "Because you don't want to. You're not a killer." Her facial expressions softened. I started walking over to her so that I could talk to her face to face. "Deep down you are a good person. You don't need to stay with this. Help us fight and make your parents proud." I was now looking straight into her eyes. I could tell that deep in those blue crystal eyes she was thinking very deep thoughts. I knew that she didn't really want any of this and could be happy. I could almost see a light form in her eyes. Then all the light was vanquished by the evil that returned to her blue orbs. "No." She tried to land another punch in my stomach but I suspected it was coming. I stepped back to avoid getting hit,grabbed her wrist, twisted it around, and pinned it in between her shoulder blades so she was stuck in an arm lock. She tried to wiggle out of it but I had a firm grip. "You know what your right," Her voice was still lingering with evil. "I do need to make my parents proud." With that she kicked me in the stomach. I stumbled back  few feet and was able to regain my balance by catching myself on the ledge of the rooftop. "This is going to be easy!" She snickered. Her straight brown hair almost completely slipped out of her high ponytail. You could tell by her face she was tired but she knew she dare not show it. We charged at each other but I ducked at the last second. I squatted down to the ground and slipped one leg out to kick her legs out from under her. I just barely brushed the pavement. She fell to the ground and I landed with on leg out and on hand back like I was some sort of super spy. 

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