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Barry's P.O.V

     "Cisco how is it coming with the visit with Enzo?" Cisco's eyes were glued to his computer screen but he said, "Uhh yeah it would be going great if I could schedule it! Apparently in order to interrogate an international illegal weapons maker, you have to be a police or something." I let out a deep sigh as I leaned myself on the bars of the cortex barrier. "Well I'm a forensic scientist that works for the CCPD does that count?" I asked hopefully. Cisco shook his head. "Nope, I already checked, You are not high enough of a rank. We would need an officer or a detective." He finished as he looked up at me. "Alright well, at least we know one of those. We can ask Joe to get an appointment with Enzo the only problem is Joe doesn't know what questions to ask but at least we have something." Then HR piped up. "What if we made you an invisible cloak that way the cameras couldn't see you?"  Cisco looked at HR and shook his head. "Nope, no such tec has been invented yet. There is no way we could get Barry in there without him being spotted." We all sat back and thought for a moment. "What if Barry wasn't in that room?" We all looked up at Caitlin. "I-I don't follow?" I said, as my eyebrows knotted together. "What if we attach some sort of speaker inside of Joe's coat that allows Barry to talk through it? Joe can wear a hat and keep his head down the whole time so no one sees his mouth move. Cisco do you think it may work?" Cisco's face lit up with idea. "That just might work! I could put a camera on Joe's hat and then a speaker in his coat pocket. Great idea Cait!" Caitlin did a little curtsy. "Great, Cisco you can start working on the equipment and I'll go talk to Joe!" He nodded and then I ran to the CCPD.


     "You want me to do what now?" Joe said in a confused tone. "Okay, just hear me out. We need you to use your special police privileges and go interrogate a guy named Enzo. You will not do any talking! The reason is because Cisco is going to hook you up with fancy electronics. All you have to do, is stare at the floor!" I said, as slow and carefully as I could." He nodded his head. "Okay, I'll see what I can do." I smiled. "Thank you so much!" I turned to leave but then he grabbed my arm. "Bear. No promises. Okay?" I slowly nodded my head and then went up to my lab.


     "Okay and... done! You are all set my friend!" Cisco said in triumph. "And you're sure this will work? All I have to do is look at the ground?" Joe asked again. "Yea, we'll take care of the rest." I assured him. "Alright, now fly my pretties!!" Cisco said as he thrust his hands through the air. I rolled my eyes and then ran Joe to Enzo's prison. I was about to run back to Star Labs before Joe stopped me. "Hey Barry. You didn't tell Iris to look into this story did you?" I shook my head. "No, don't worry I made sure she would drop it." He emptied his chest and said, "Good cause you and I both know how dangerous this is. I can't imagine what I would do if-" Then I cut him off. "No don't! I know. I wouldn't know what to do with myself either!" He nodded and then I zipped back to Star Labs.

     "Okay Joe you just need to check yourself in and then once you get into the room we will take care of the rest." Cisco said into Joe's speaker. He got himself checked in and then he sat down at a table across from Enzo. "Hello detective, I remember you because you're the one who put me in this prison!" We heard Enzo say through the speaker. "You put yourself in here and you know it!" I said into my side of the speaker system. "Now if you can corporate and answer a few questions, I will be on my way." There was a pause but then Enzo spoke up. "Alright, I'll listen. But I can't guarantee I'll give you all of the answers." 

     "Why were you designing illegal weapons? Did you have a buyer?" He chuckled. "Oh detective. I was just being creative and using my gifts, to help other people with their passions." I looked at Cisco and Caitlin for something else to say but they both shrugged. "Who was your buyer?" We saw him lean back in his chair through the camera on Joe's hat. "Well Santa doesn't make toys for just one child right? It depends on who's been naughty and who's been nice." I was getting angry now but I tried to hold it back. "I'm not going to ask you again." He rolled his eyes and said "My main buyers name was Fredrick, Fredrick Tallahassee and his gang of monkeys." I was a little more satisfied with his answer but we already knew about the Triple F. I needed to get Elmo to talk more. "What did they want?" He just laughed. "That's just it detective! They  could never decide! Always changing their minds on what they wanted to do with their toys." And then he went back to talking in code so I decided to change the subject. "Before you were arrested all of your weapons and work were stolen from you. What were you working on?" An evil grin spread across his face. "Oh I was working on quite a few things. None of them were finished when they were stolen but they were finished enough to last a little while." I was almost positive he was talking about the monsters that were appearing all over the city. "What could they do?" He looked right into the camera lens. "Well, I magician never reviles his secrets." The way he was avoiding all of my questions was really starting to tick me off. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. What-could-they-do." I said very slowly. "They weren't finished. I don't know." It was almost like he was staring right at my through the camera. Peering into my soul, learning all of my deepest darkest secrets. I set aside that fact and said. "Yes you do. You may not know what they do right now but you know what they were supposed to do. You made them! I have seen what happens to people because of your poor decisions. Now you are going to drop this clueless 'I don't know anything' act, and you are going to tell me everything you know." He paused and stared at his hand cuffs for a few minutes. 

     "Okay 'detective' but I'm only gonna say this once! My weapons were all designed to hold and emit as much energy as a nuclear bomb. One of them is supposed to fire impenetrable force fields. The second one is a sword that kills anything it touches, and I mean anything. The third one creates invincible monsters and the fourth one. Well, to fourth one you will just have to wait and see." I let all of the information sink in. "Wait you said they were invincible but the monsters around the city all seem to have a weakness to water." He leaned closer to the camera and that's when I knew that he knew it wasn't really Joe talking. "I was getting to that part. They are invincible but because the weapons were stolen before they were finished there were malfunctions." I was confused. "Don't you see? You never actually defeated all of those monsters." My eyes grew wide. He knows I'm the Flash? How does he know that? What else does he know? "Good day Elmo." Cisco said through the mic. Then Joe stood up and left.


     "Okay so he knows you're the Flash? I was pacing around the cortex with my hands on my head. "I don't know Joe okay. I ju- ah! I don't know." Then Caitlin pipped up. "I think that Enzo knowing Barry's identity is the least of our problems right now." Then Cisco joined in. "Yeah like, where are the other weapons that were stolen, and what did Enzo mean when he said his buyers were never able to decide what they wanted to use their weapons for?" HR answered Cisco's question by saying, "Well I think that the gang of monkeys wanted more power so that they could become more evil. Elmenzo probably saw that and said that he wouldn't make anymore weapons for them. They didn't like that so they stole all of his stuff, exposed him so that he would be arrested, and are now using them to reek havoc on the city." We all agreed with hi except Cisco. "Hold on who's Elmenzo?" HR turned to Cisco and said, "Well since some of you folk call him Elmo and some of you call him Enzo I just decided to combine the names and make *pop* *snap* Elmenzo." HR finished as he took a bow. "That is literally the dumbest name i'v ever heard." Cisco said with a blank face. "Okay guys, it doesn't matter what we call him. Right now we need to figure out where the Triple F are hiding, what that fourth weapon can do, and where those guys plan to strike next." I nodded my head. "Joe's right. Cisco can you work on trying to find a location?" Cisco nodded his head. "Alright I got to head back to the CCPD. See you guys later." I waved good bye to Joe. "Oh yeah that reminds me, I have to uhh go and w-work out." I said sheepishly. I wasn't really going to work out but I couldn't tell them what I was doing. "So I'll see you guys later." I finished as I quickly sped off.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, did you like it? I tried to make Enzo seem like a really bad dude. How did I do??? I am SO sorry that I didn't post yesterday! I tried really hard  but we have been busy. I am not dead and I WILL make this story. I just want to let you know that I MIGHT not be able to post EVERY day. 

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