Chapter 3: Airports

Start from the beginning

"It's okay, Draco, really. You just need to stay safe. Call me when you can. And I'm holding you responsible for making sure Harry and Theo don't get themselves killed." Hermione said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you, Draco."

"I love you too, Hermione." Draco said, with a kiss. When he pulled away he looked deeply into her warm brown eyes, he had a feeling he wouldn't be seeing them for a while.

"Alright, lovebirds." Said Harry from the doorway, attempting to haul Theo up off the floor and onto his feet. "Time to go. We've got to apparate to the airport before dawn."

"Wait, what? Airport?" Said Draco, turning around and giving Harry a wide-eyed look. "I never signed up to go on one of those giant floating hunks of metal, Potter."

"Sorry, Malfoy. We can't apparate where we're going, it's too far of a jump." Harry said. 

Then he turned to Theo, who was having a hard time standing upright, and slapped him on the back of the head. "Wake up, mate." He snapped. "It's time to go."

Draco kissed Hermione one last time and apparated out of the apartment with Theo and Harry.

They landed right outside the airport in a very uncomfortable patch of bushes. The three wizards stood up and dusted themselves off and tried to look as casual as one could look when walking out of a patch of bushes. 

"Where to now?" Asked Theo as the three of them made their way to the nearby side walk. 

"The nearest coffee shop in this place. You two need to wake up." Answered Harry as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips and realized that he spilled the remainder of it when they landed in the bushes.

After a couple of minutes of walking through a nearly deserted airport, they found an unamused looking middle aged man working in a small coffee shop. 

Harry made his way up to the counter, and told the barista, "We need two cups of the strongest stuff you have."

"Alright," the barista punched some numbers on his cash register, "How does the venti double shot on ice sound?"

"I have no idea what that is, but yeah that sounds great." Answered Harry.

The barista looked up at Harry, "You know it has five shots of espresso in it, right?"

"Yeah," He replied, even though he had no idea what espresso was.

"Okay then." He paused for a second while he looked down at the register, "You're total is €12. 50."

Draco spoke up, "€12.50 for two cups of coffee? that's absurd."

A piece of small plastic rested between Harry's fingers. Draco recognized it as a credit card. Hermione had one, she explained it as 'plastic money.' 

Harry handed the barista the card and then turned towards his two companions, "It's a ministry credit card, not mine."

"Is this what my tax dollars goes towards?" Asked Draco, he looked through the glass at the pastries and asked the barista to add a bacon and egg croissant to the order. 

It didn't take long for the barista to make the drinks. In no time they were walking away with their venti double shots and Draco's croissant. 

When Theo took a sip of his drink his eyes immediately widened, "Whoo, that is some strong stuff."

A few moments later Draco drank some of his own, he couldn't help but agree with Theo.

The three of them followed the signs all the way to their terminal, where they stumbled upon security. Thank Merlin the line was short since it was so early in the morning.

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