Chapter 3: Airports

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Draco's eyes snapped open at the sound of three sharp raps at the door. He glanced over at Hermione, who was sound asleep, not disturbed by the sound. He decided not to wake her and quietly got up, grabbed his wand, and quietly made his way to the door. 

Struggling to wake himself up, he opened the door. "What do you want?" He asked sleepily, "It's 3:31 in the morning."

"It sure is," Said Theo slowly, leaning up against the doorway, his eyes bloodshot and tired. 

Harry was right beside him, a cup of coffee in his hand and talking a mile a minute. 

"Malfoy, we need to leave right now. Pack what you need. Let's go, go, go!" Harry pushed past Draco straight into the apartment. "We've got to beat them to it. We can't loose this opportunity!  If these people get to it before we do the whole wizarding world is screwed!"

Draco motioned with his hand for Harry to slow down. "Alright, Potter, take a breather." Draco paused, "Now continue, but slower this time."

Harry started to talk super fast, "We gotta leave as soon as possible. There's bad people who's also after the weapon and could possibly be following us right now. Throw everything you might need in a backpack and lets head out of here."

This time a bleary eyed Theo spoke up,  "Apparently some other people are after the same object we're supposed to go find. And we need to leave now or we risk the chance of being followed and-or them getting to it first."

"Okay, then. First I need to go-" he looked down at himself and noticed he was wearing nothing but boxers, "Er, put some clothes on."

"That would be very much appreciated." Said Harry as he brought his coffee cup up to his lips, "Now hop to it."

On the other side of the room a faint voice called out, "What's going on, Draco?"

All three of their heads turned around and saw Hermione standing at the threshold of her bedroom door.

Draco made up the distance between the two of them, "I have to leave now. There's some other people after the weapon and we have to get to it first."

Hermione placed her hand on her forehead and processed everything he had just said. It was still very early in the morning. "Okay. I'll, um, help you get your stuff together."

The two of them went back into their bedroom, a caffeinated Harry and sleepy Theo followed behind. Draco pulled an old backpack out of his closet and started tossing things in it. Once it started to get full he casted a charm on it, so the bag could expand.

Out of the corner of Draco's eye he could see Harry pacing back in forth in front of the bedroom door. After a couple more sips of coffee Harry started to ramble some more, "Don't forget your tooth brush," sips coffee, "underwear," sips some more coffee, "passport," sips even more coffee, "and your wand."

Curled up on the floor about five feet away from Harry laid Theo. He was so tired he could fall asleep right then and there, but somehow he managed to look up at Harry and ask, "Exactly how many cups of coffee have you had today?"

Harry stopped for a moment and thought, "Three. I'm working on my forth one right now. I've been breathing these in like oxygen." He couldn't help but bounce up and down on the heel of his shoe, "I should probably stop."

"That would probably be in your best interest." Muttered Theo before laying his head back done on the hard wood floor and closing his eyes.

Once Draco finished packing, he slung the backpack on his back and looked at Hermione. "Look, Hermione, I'm sorry I have to go like this but-" Draco started

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