Chapter 32: Don't Wanna Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I don’t want them to. No one deserves to die like this; to be killed by a Silthra.

They’ll die as heroes. They’ll be remembered. Always.

I want to build a memorial; a building to advertise all the heroes of this war. Everyone that had a part in will be on it. So no one will ever forget the people who risked their lives to give the Tigmas freedom.

We’re like the army in the United States; Dying for everyone else’s freedom.

We’ll be remembered like they are.

This is the start of everything. Where everything changes.

                        I looked up away from our conversation and saw the sun setting. Beautiful pink and purple colors filled the sky. Such a contradictory situation we were in.

It’s time, Pilote thought to me. It’s dark enough now.

                        We jumped from our hide-out in the tree and started our journey deeper into the forest. I didn’t feel comfortable here in the forest, but I’m sure that’s how the Silthra planned it. We walked through the forest for 15 minutes before starting at Tigma speed. Our energy wasn’t high enough to time travel for much longer. I stumbled upon the camp within the hour and Pilote helped us get back into a tree so we’d be undetected. The Silthra had just lit a fire and were all gathered around it. One person, who I suspected was the leader, stood up to speak to all of them; looks like we came just in time.

“War time is coming,” he bellowed, “be prepared; now more than ever. We leave in nine days for the United States. They won’t even see us coming.”

“But how do we know where they’re located?” one of the guys sitting asked.

“Silence!” the leader yelled. “We have our sources. We have our spy!”

“Who is it?” another person asked.

A smile spread across the leader’s face and he snickered, “It’s even better than we planned. We have a princess coming to us as we speak. She seems to have snuck out of her place and found us just in time. She goes by the name of Jasmine Carter.”

                        I was thrown by the name and a screamed escaped my lips before I could stop myself. Pilote quickly covered my mouth and held me back, but not before the Silthra heard it. We were too close for them not too.

“Who was that?”

“Who yelled?”

                        Unfortunately, the leader wasn’t going to continue talking without figuring out who the scream came from. He ordered a few people to search the forest. Pilote pulled me down the tree and our souls flew back into our bodies back to our house in the United States. We came back so fast that there’s no way the Silthra will ever find or hear anybody there. I sat up in my bed like I had just woken up from a nightmare. My heart was racing and my body was sweating from fear. She did it; Jasmine betrayed us. She must have snuck out as soon as I was done talking to her. Pilote wrapped both of his arms around me and tried to calm me down, but it didn’t work. I started crying into Pilote’s chest. The chosen ones heard the noise and started piling into the room. Pilote must have done something to make them stay quiet because they waited until I was done crying. Pilote gave me a tissue and I wiped my eyes as Pilote explained what happened. Caprika and Odyss both warned me about Jasmine betraying us, but I didn’t think it would feel like this. I thought I would be less hurt because I could see it coming, but it’s not. It hurts even worse.

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