He gave me a pouting face but he sat down beside me in the booth while his other friends sat around the table in chairs. I noticed how his friends went straight to the chairs surrounding the table leaving one chair open by Jess for I'm guessing, Gage. Am I missing something here? Probably. Jess didn't even noticed, ha!

We talked for a long time. I got to know Pierce's friends. They're all really friendly, unlike what others say. I noticed how they all seem comfortable around each other, like they're family, I admire that about them. I also noticed how Pierce smiles broadly and inching closer and closer to me whenever the boys brag at how badass he is.

They don't seem ashamed of their image, but then again, if I were them, I wouldn't be, either. Although, I'm pretty sure Jess and I are like them.

The tallest one, Mark is pretty funny while Luke is dirty-minded and Gage, the humble but smart guy, who is totally crushing on Jess. Then there's Pierce, the tough one. They're all unique in so many good ways, it's fascinating, really.

"What are you thinking of, Bree?" I jumped a little, just a little when he called me Bree. No one calls me that! "Just thinking, and don't call me Bree." I demanded, crossing my arms and looking straight into his eyes.

His gray captivating eyes were something I'm not used to. He stared right back, "Don't tell me what to do. And I'll call you Bree if I want." Ugh, I'm annoyed again. "Don't get mad now, Bree." He said as he patted my head. I wrinkled my nose at the action. He chuckled and I stuck out my tongue which got him to laugh even more.

Fine, I'll play along. "Don't tell me what to do." I said, defiantly. He stopped laughing right then and there. "You shouldn't have made fun of him, Kam." Said Gage. I looked at Gage then everyone else, they all seem to be watching but Pierce paid no attention to them. "Well, he shouldn't have called me Bree." I scoffed. then turned my attention back to Pierce and man, was he boiling. "If I were you, I would run."

And so I did.

We ran everywhere until I went straight to the bathroom. Thank goodness for my running talent. Once I got into the bathroom I went straight towards the sink. God damn it, my hair's messy! Couple seconds later I hear the door open.

That can't be Pierce, he can't come in here, it's the ladies restroom. Besides I lost him awhile back. Click. Was that a lock? "Oh no, that's not good." I said out loud. "What are you talking about, Bree?" I closed my eyes tightly turned around to face the boiling badass. "Open your eyes." Oh God.

Sh, Kam, trust me. It's just me.

"Oh god, please no. No! No!" I screamed, wishing my eyes would just burn so I don't have to see anything anymore. No more than three seconds later I felt arms wrapped around me. I'm confused, what's going on? "Bree, what's wrong?" Pierce asked. I finally opened my eyes and looked up to Pierce's eyes, they were filled with curiosity but mostly concern.

"Uh, n-nothing." I stammered, getting up to my feet with Pierce's arms still wrapped around me. "Uhm, ok. Well, let's go back to our friends." He suggested, bringing his arms down.

The walk back was a bit weird. Not because it was silent but because I want his arms wrapped around me again, the way it was before. All secure and warm. Wait, what?

"Hey, what took y'all so long?" Asked Luke. "Got stuck between the sheets?" I would normally laugh then give a witty remark but I'm not feeling it. I closed my eyes tightly once again. Maybe I shouldn't have. "Luke, stop." I heard Pierce say, I opened my eyes again, getting concerns looks from everyone except Jess. She knows. I told her, she understands. Instead she has a pissed off face. Not towards me but towar- "Ok, I'll stop once you stop kicking me." Luke said to Pierce.

"Well, it's been 2 hours since we got here, why don't we go walk around for a bit and head back to he- school, damn it." I said. I really need to start calling it school more often. "Kam, seriously. Remember school, not hell." Jess said, everyone laughed.

Mark and Luke had to leave, which left Jess, Gage, Pierce and me. At least there's no Luke going around and drooling over the posters of Victoria's Secret models. I smiled at the image. That's so Luke.

"What are you all smiley about?" Pierce asked as we stopped in front of a pretzel stand. "Luke." I admitted. Pierce looked confused. "I was just thinking how Luke would react to the Victoria Secret model posters, I'm sure he would drool an ocean." I didn't know why but I felt the need to assure him what I was really thinking.

He seem to relax more when I said that. "What are you thinking about?" I asked, accepting a preztel. "Sharing this preztel with you." He answered taking a huge bite from it. I swatted him away. "Hey, not all of it, you fatass." Taking a bite out of it.

He chuckled but stopped and said, "Oh my god, you think I'm fat! Oh my God. Oh my God!" In the most annoying valley girl accent. I laughed at how ridiculous he is. "Please, I beg of you. Stop."

Sh, Kam, trust me.


Pierce pulled my arm. "Ok, ok, I'll stop. But I want to show you something." He raised his eyebrows. "Ok." I said.

We went to the parking lot and walked towards Pierce's car. I didn't know he went alone, huh. I got settled in while he turned the car on. "Where are we going?" I asked while buckling in my seat belt. "Somewhere." He answered, rearing out the back towards the road.

I sighed, "That sure answer my question." I muttered to myself. I didn't expect him to answer but he said, "Just wait, grasshopper. You ask too many questions."

I took out my phone and texting Jessi. I waited for a good two minutes since she stalky replies fast but seeing as there won't be a reply from Jessi anytime soon, I shut my phone off and pocketed it.

We soon arrived at the park. Why this park? "Uhm, why this park?" I asked getting nervous. "What do you mean this park?" He asked.

I can't tell him.

Sh, Kam, trust me.

No, Kam, don't break down, not now.

"Bree, something wrong? Bree, answer me. You're scaring me." A familiar voice said. "Yea, I'm fine. Uhm, why this park?" I asked again.

Pierce looked up,"This isn't where, what I want to show you, come follow me." I followed him up to a tree house. I never noticed before, wow. We climbed the steps and hung our legs over a thick tree branch.

"Just wait for awhile, you'll see." Pierce said, looking out into the sky. I didn't say anything. I was just wondering about stuff. "You're thinking, may I ask about what?" Pierce asked, not looking at me.

I looked up at him, I hummed a for a bit and came up with a nice response full of curiosity. "How long has this tree been here? How long have you known about this tree? What's the secret you're not telling? What do you know about me?"

He looked down at me, "All my life to both of the first two. It wouldn't be a secret anymore if I tell you. I know nothing about you besides the fact that your favorite color is black, your parents are split up and you lived here before. Don't think I'm a creep, that's all I know, nothing more." Wow, he knows how to rhyme like me! I would've gaped at his answer to the last question but I have one more.

"Are you the kid who gave me flowers when we were eight?"

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