•Welcome • Aesthetics•

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~ Hello, and welcome to my first ever published story on Wattpad! If you were a past reader of JOV, then you may have noticed that this story has been missing from my account for a bit and MIA in terms of updating for much longer. As much as I adore the characters that belong to this story, I did come up with the plot when I was ten years old, and both myself and my writing has matured greatly since. With complete honesty, I lost inspiration and motivation for this book entirely for a brief (maybe a little longer than brief) time in my life. But I am now proud to announce that with much consideration, just enough constructive feedback, and a pure love for these crazy teenage characters that have stolen a few reader's hearts, I am going to finish this story. (Ha I put it in bold so that I can't go back on it) However, I didn't want to do so without going back and doing some major editing. Nothing has changed too drastically, I simply fixed grammatical errors, updated the writing style and added/omitted a few scenes here and there. Long introduction short, if you have read this book before you may desire to start back again, you may not. And if you are just now clicking onto this story for the first time, I wish you the very best in your reading. I hope that each and every one of you can take something out of this fictional world created by the mind of a little girl, whether that be a laugh or a tear. Without further ado, I present to you...
~ Just One Voice

~In which I give you a visual first impression of the characters I have fallen so hopelessly in love with~

•Brooklynn Hope•

•Brooklynn Hope•

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•Max Witherson•

•Oliver McCally•

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•Oliver McCally•

•Oliver McCally•

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Rylie Jaimes•

•Acalia Perkins•

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•Acalia Perkins•

•Zachery Jakobs•

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•Zachery Jakobs•

•Zachery Jakobs•

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Just One VoiceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora