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taehyung was in between jimin's legs as he sucked gently on the older's neck, the silver-haired boy's head tilted back to give the blonde better access to his neck. "you look so good with hickies, babe."

"so do you." jimin grunted, wrapping his arms around taehyung's neck and fulling him close. jimin let his hands roam around the other's body, his hands snaking up the younger's shirt and softly rubbing his back.

jimin sat up when he felt taehyung's palm begin to ghost between his legs, pushing taehyung softly back.

"what's wrong?" taehyung asked, pressing a chaste kiss to jimin's jawline. he began to slowly unbutton jimin's flannel.

jimin let out a displeased grunt and pushed taehyung away again, "i'm not in the mood."

taehyung dropped his hand moved away from jimin. irritation was clear on his face and jimin frowned. "you seemed fine with me kissing your neck."

"i was," jimin said. "i just don't feel like having sex."

taehyung blinked, "why, do i not make you feel good or something?"

"you made me feel beyond words, i just―i don't feel like having a dick up my ass every day." jimin scoffed, standing up and walking towards taehyung's bedroom door.

"what? jimin, where are you going?" taehyung called, getting up and following jimin. the short boy finished tying his shoe and looked at the blonde.


― ♡ ―

"what's wrong with you?" jungkook asked, stretching as jimin walked into the living room.


jungkook sat up and picked up the white shirt next to couch, slipping it over his body and looking at his friend. "bullshit. what happened?"

"taehyung got irritated with me because he wanted to have sex, but i wasn't in the mood." jimin sighed, toeing his shoes off and laying on the couch opposite of jungkook. jungkook bit the inside of his cheek, suddenly feeling a small wave of guilt wash over him. he knew jimin wouldn't always be up to have sex, and he thought now that he should probably have told taehyung in advance.


― ―

sigh this is short & awful i apologize :(

writer's block is amazing :)))))

but like does it ever suddenly just hit you all at once about how much you love bts and you're just ??? so soft ???

also,, if i were to write a fourth (and possibly final) book to the sex series, would you rather see yoonkook or jikook bc i have two similar plots in mind and the ships above will determine which i'll go with

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