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jimin sat across from taehyung, his silver hair covered by a grey beanie. his bangs were messy across his forehead and his cheeks were a light shade of red. jimin's eyes turned into small crescents as he smiled widely, his rosy lips stretched out.

taehyung forced a small smile to form on his lips. although he found jimin cute, he just wasn't his type―in terms of personality, that is. then again, no one was. taehyung didn't focus on personality, he only saw how sexy or cute a person could be, and that was the confirmation on whether you were good enough for him or not.

"so, jimin," taehyung began, looking at jimin and watching the huge grin on the older's face form into a soft curve of his lips. he used a spoon to lightly mix the, now, cold coffee in his cup. "how did you become a stripper?"

jimin's mood noticeably dropped. his smile completely disappeared and was instead replaced with a frown. he took his bottom lip inbetween his teeth and released it, sighing heavily and looking down. "it's kind of a long story."

taehyung sat back. "i've got time."

"well," jimin mumbled. "uh. so basically, i'm a dancer. no, not just a...a strip dancer, but i do actual choreographies. in eighth grade i began to learn and do contemporary, i loved it. somewhere along the lines, i moved onto hip hop and other genres of music to dance to. in junior year, i was talking to one of my best friends about going to college for dance, since it's kind of my first love. he told me, "you'll never get accepted, jimin-ah, they only accept the best of the best. but you...your dancing...jimin, it's messy. you don't have a chance." and, i don't know, it kind of stuck into my mind.

however, he told me that i'm hot, i'm sexy. still, i hate being called sexy or hot―there's so much more to me than just how thick my thighs are or how big my ass is or whether i've got abs or not. but he suggested and god i wish i never went through with this dumbass idea and followed my dream instead of his stupid ass advice. he told me, "hey, you've got a good body and you have good features. gain some muscle and you could make fortunes as a stripper." yet, here i am, getting groped by old men. i'm just so...stupid."

"so you're telling me," taehyung spoke, "that you let someone change your mind so easily?"

"i struggled with self confidence issues anyways. i felt like i wasn't good enough and neither was my dancing. i looked to him for support, but he just ruined the last bit of confidence i ever had." jimin shrugged, looking outside, watching the raindrops hit the window with a soft pitter patter.

"i see," taehyung nodded. "do you still struggle with your confidence or what?"

"just because i seem like i have no problem with showing my body on a nightly basis doesn't mean i'm constantly blocking out the thoughts that make me believe everyone in that club is judging something about me." jimin confesses, looking at taehyung, who looks genuinely surprised at the news.

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