Chapter 10

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Jillian POV

"Well good morning Jillian."

"Alpha good morning to you as well."

Oh, by the way, I had on Damon's shirt on now. It seems as though the Alpha had gotten up after I screamed. So he was still half asleep.

I felt a little under dressed sitting in the same room as the Alpha's  family. You see they came back sometime this morning. Tonight we're  going to have a ceremony to celebrate Damon having the Alpha's power transferred over to him.

I finished my breakfast quickly as I could and was about to leave when Luna spoke up.

"Jillian you don't have to leave so quickly I ask your mother to bring you a spear pare of clothes. I wanted to have you hang out with me today okay."

"Yes, Luna."

"Child didn't say to stop calling me that. When are you going to rap your head around your the next Luna."

I had somehow forgotten I was going to be the next Luna. My brain still couldn't believe we were the mate of an Alpha.

My brain stopped on the last thing.

I'm  going to be Luna.

Wait I'm going to be Luna.

Oh, Moon Goddess why me. I mean I barley know anything about the pack how am I supposed to help run it. I mean I don't want to let them down. What am I supposed to do for them? I practically just a human.

About the time of was thinking and racking my brain on this. Alpha Peter stood up and looked at me.

"Jillian you'll do fine. No reason to panic."

I looked up to the Alpha and nodded. We heard a small growl. We all turned out heads to Damon. Alpha spoke up.

"Damon why are you growling at me. I'm not going to hurt her. My goodness, whatever will you do when you're at school. I mean unless Jillian here wants to go back."

I looked over at Damon. Apparently, he hadn't thought about school at all. I mean he has class tomorrow morning. Wow, I forgot about it too.

"She's coming with me not matter what she wants so put her in all my classes will you."

With that, he stood up and grabbed my wrist dragging me back to his room.

"Later Alpha Peter Luna Sofia."

That was the last thing out my mouth before Damon shut the door and locked it.

He still had a strong grip on my wrist. He pulled me close to him.


Without saying anything he kissed me. As soon as he did I found my arms going around his neck and I was kissing him back. It was like I was no longer in control of my body. I mean if felt great though. I was in love with this feeling. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Which made the kiss deeper.

He licked my lips asking for entrance into my mouth. Without thinking my body obeyed his order like he used an Alpha tone. But he didn't at all. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and I swear he licked every spot twice. My body felt like it was getting hotter by the second. We separated from our kiss. he took a breath and then was on my neck in a second. 

What was this? Why was he doing this right now?

I moaned as soon as he touched a sweet spot I think they call it. As if my moan was a signal he pushed his Canines into my neck. I lost the ability to scream out in pain. I mean as soon as he did it was like he marked me in seconds. He was already licking the wound to help it stop bleeding when I had caught up to what he had done.

I didn't want to be marked this way so why he did it like that I don't know. I mean I would never run away from here. Where would I go? I don't trust anyone but my family. I'm too weak to defend myself all the time. Plus with the bond, I was practically head over heels for Damon. But marking here and right now didn't make me happy. I wanted it to be more romantic or something. Like how you wait forever in a romance movie to see the characters that were meant for each other finally get that they needed to kiss.

I gathered all of my strength to push him to the floor. I opened the door and ran out crying. The Luna had noticed and decided she let her son fix his own problem. I mean I didn't even think about it I just ran. By the time I stopped my feet were in a lot of pain. I looked around to notice I was at a waterfall.

I had been here before but when. Then a sudden wave ran over me and I passed out.

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