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My heart falls to my stomach and I never even thought about the Bone Thrashers. They're still out there, of course, but I've been too worried about Sacho finding us than anyone else.

I run upstairs and I open the closet, grabbing Arabella's hand.

"Listen to me, Bella. We grab the bags and get in the truck in the garage. And then I drive like hell," I tell her, her eyes so scared but she nods. We grab our bags and rush downstairs, the men piling outside the cars in wait.

We make it to the truck and I thank God Sacho put bulletproof glass on these trucks. Arabella gets in and I do as well, my hand holding the gun.

"Hold on and close your eyes," I tell her, her eyes closing. I speed out of the garage in reverse and shift to drive quickly, driving as fast as I can. Not even a minute later, I have the cars riding my ass and I speed as fast as I can.

"Bella," I say, grabbing her hand and letting the gun fall in her lap. "I need you to think good thoughts."

She's shaking and I glance in the rearview mirror, seeing them only gaining speed. My jaw clenches and I let her hand go, putting both hands on the wheel. I swerve off the road and u-turn, trying anything to gain speed. But the angle they're given breaks the back window with a few more gunshots, Arabella screaming.

"Bella, happy thoughts," I say, her eyes closed and tears streaming down her face when I glance over. I speed, gaining more distance. My hands steer off the freeway and into a town, moving through side streets to lose them. When I no longer see them behind me, I pull into an alleyway and just wait, but then more gunshots are fired.

Pain enters my arm and I know I've been hit, my mouth yelling but I keep driving.

"Bella," I say, her breathing erratic as she whispers 'you were shot' under her breath.

"What?" she asks, my hand moving to her lap. I make her grab the gun and she turns her head to look at me.

"Shoot at their tires," I tell her, her eyes widening. She looks horrified but I beg, her head turning to look at the gun.

"Please, Bella. Anything," I say, blood running down my arm. Pain is writhing through my arm but I keep driving.

A gunshot is fired and I turn to see Arabella attempting to shoot the tires, her body shielded by the seat. A few more are fired and a crash is heard, Arabella turning in the chair. I look behind us and see the flat tire caused them to collide.

"Yes, Bella," I say, reaching and grabbing her hand. But she moves her hand up to my arm, covering the wound to stop the bleeding.

"Get us away," she begs, and I drive as fast as I can. We go back west and I follow signs to New Mexico, my inability to focus on the road growing due to the pain in my arm.

"I have to pull off," I tell her, her hand moving off my arm. She nods and I pull into a rest stop, getting out of the car. Arabella comes to my side and I look down at her, her hands coming to my face.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," she gushes, her eyes looking at me and only me. The blood from my arm is still on her hands but I couldn't give a shit. I'm with her and we are safe.

For now, at least.

"You're okay. And that's all that matters."

She leans her head up and kisses me, my arms wrapping around her. I lean back and hold her close, kissing her with as much care I can show her. It's no secret I'm falling for her, but I want her to know I'm here for her and will do anything I can to show her that.

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