"Yeah, but I don't need one right now. It's better to sort you out first. I might start looking this weekend though. I want to expand the pack. Sometimes I think it's too small when I hear of other's in different countries having like twenty members." Hunter dropped a mountain of food on the table and told Jacob to help himself. 

"I sat with Brad today in class."

"You did?"

"Yeah, he was being nice."

Hunter gave him a little smile.

"Maybe I should invite him round this week."

"I think you should."

"I'm just glad he has found another pack. If he's happy then it was worth it for him to leave mine."

Jacob nodded but stopped and stared at the door. He suddenly looked concern.

"What's up?" Hunter watched a frown curl onto his forehead.

"I just got a feeling in my stomach that something's wrong."

Hunter walked around the table and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Wrong, how?"

"I-I don't know. I just feel like someone's here that shouldn't be." Jacob got up and quickly walked outside. He stopped behind Hunter's parents and examined the outskirts of the woods with his eyes.

"Are you alright Jacob?" Anthony questioned and stood up.

"No," He breathed. "We're being watched."

Margo stood up when a fearful spike hit her heart.

"How do you know that?"

"I can feel it," He breathed and rubbed his chest. "They're humans."

"Do you know where they are?" Anthony asked.

Jacob watched the approaching clouds until an unusual dark patch hovered over an area of the woods.

"There," He pointed to it. "They know about the wolves."

"Are they werewolf Hunters?"

Jacob nodded. He had no idea why he knew any of this. It was almost like the clouds were whispering to him about the dangers not too far away. It was warning him so he could keep people safe.

There was no evidence to believe him and if they didn't know he was a God, they would not be listening to his assumptions.

"The pack is on their way," Anthony said to his wife. He then turned to his son's mate with questioning eyes. "What should we do, Jacob?"

Jacob seemed like he was lost in thought however, he heard him.

"They're watching me through a telescope," He turned so they couldn't lip read. "I know exactly where they are, let me keep track until they're gone. Don't give them a reason to be suspicious." His Godly personality was shining through and even though he could control what he was saying, it was coming out unexpectedly.

Anthony nodded with a smile. He liked this little insight into what he is capable of, so did Hunter. He was taking responsibility, acting rational and portraying leadership.

He then snapped out of his little trail of thought and started fidgeting.

"Sorry um, Y-You can keep watch if you want to," He didn't want to start taking over the situation.

"No, it's fine. You're our leader Jacob," Anthony sat on the steps once more. He was very cautious and he did not like that they were being watched.

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