15. Watching Snow

Start from the beginning

Vincenzo took a deep breath. He leaned closer and whispered " Angry? I am beyound that Terza. Your father questioned my fidelity."

Terza was shocked. She covered her mouth.

Vincenzo nodded "You see. Your father is lucky I controlled myself. I held back. I am glad he stopped when he did. I am faithful to you Terza. I may have many flaws but I am commited to one woman and always have been. The only time I had a slip up was when Vitale had first asked me to protect Letizia. Back then my feelings for you were not so strong. I had lost hope I ever could be with you when he told me the arrangement so I tried to love Letizia was couldn't. I tried hard but nothing could replace my feelings that I had for you. You see, back then Vitale wasn't planning on going public without back up but now that my grandpa and everyone else is backing him up he went ahead. I found out in my trip to Italy that there was hope and that was why I claimed to love you and confessed all to you..."

Terza cut him off "You dont have to prove anything to me or defend yourself Vincenzo. I know Vitale put you in a difficult situation. I would have made different decisions if I was in your position but it doesnt matter now. You did what you could to save Letizia. I was never bothered by it. Why would I be? I told you I never cared about boys back then. I never looked for a relationship back then and neither do I now. I dont need a man in my life." She then looked away and was about to side step him to go the fire but he blocked her path making her heart race again after she had calmed down as he had calmed down.

Vincenzo held her stare as his look of fury was replaced with some emotion she could interpret as love. He was looking at her lovingly. He whispered " You need a partner Terza. We all need a partner in life. I would be your partner and you don't have to look at me as the man of the house. I treat you like an equal Terza. Aren't I? You can't live by yourself and expect to get to where you want to be Terza and neither do I." He then startled her as he put both his hands on either side of her on the pillar next to her.

Vincenzo looked at her lips. He needed a taste of her lips right then. After having such an intense conversation with her father, he needed her touch to calm him down. But most importantly he missed her touch. He leaned close as he had caged her against the pillar with his arms. His breath was on her lips "I need to touch you Terza. Push me if you dont want this... I won't stop unless you stop me." He then didnt give her time to react and attached his lips to hers.

Terza felt his passion coming to the surface. She called his kisses posessive. He didn't stop and didnt let her adjust as he urgetly was kissing her. She put her hands on his chest to keep up. His hard chest was solid as a rock and she felt him relax slightly under her touch. He slowly pulled away and asked "Do you want me to stop?"

Vincenzo hoped that she said no. He really needed her touch to calm him down. Her father had thrown the most unforgivable insult at him that made him want to kill him. Only his Terza could calm him down. Her touch made him believe he was capable of forgiving her blood. He knew he could recover by tomorrow from it but that was just minutes past what had happened so the fresh memory dictated his instincts to defend his honour. His honour was not meant to be questioned. It was a no go area that only someone like O'Neil managed to invade and survive the conversation alive just because he loved his daughter to a point he held himself back.

Terza smiled and shook her head at his question as she had only touched him to hang on to him while he was kissing her so intensely. He attacked her lips again. This was the most intense kiss she has received from him. Maybe since he just come from speaking to her father, he had tension inside or maybe this was who he was. His kisses were so deep and possessive. She truly felt like she belonged to him. It was interesting to have this time with Vincenzo. They were kissing and wathcing snow on their first date after they were official.

Vincenzo had no idea he was being watched at that moment. He didnt care even if he was. He had declared his love for his Terza in public and he was in many ways relieved to show his love to her openly. He didnt need to hide any more and he loved it. But not all observers were appreciative and understanding.

Paulo Rosario was watching the scene from his hotel room as he was drinking wine. He was fuming at his eldest grandson. His hotel was opposite where the Irish were staying so it was inevitable to see the irish girl warming herself up next to the fire and then his grandson had walked by. His grandson was not playing it by his book. He watched his grandson deep in thought. After kissing her, he sat down with her next to the fire and kept watching the snow. As the fire extinguished itself he watched his grandson walking the Irish girl to her hotel. How noble of him? He rolled his eyes. It was not as though the girl was needy. As his grandson walked outisde he made gestures to his men in the room to do the deed. It was a good opportunity. No thanks to his son putting bodyguards everywhere he hadnt managed to see his grandson. But now there was a window of opportunity.

Vincenzo was walking through the gardens to his hotel as he noticed that electricity was suddenly cut off. This had his grandfather's name written all over it. He sighed as he watched the old man appear in the woods in front of him. He grabbed his arm and dragged him to god knows where. His grandpa was good at finding shelters. He managed to find himself in a dark room in the basement of the hotel where his grandpa was staying as candle lights were burning.

Paulo pointed to a chair "Sit down."

Vincenzo obeyed and sat down.

Paulo walked to him and put his hand under his chin tilting it upwards to look at him "I am going to ask you once Vincenzo. What the hell was that out there? Haven't I taught you anything? You chose an Irish and broke your grandpa's heart."

Vincenzo defended "I love her. She is perfect for me. I wont have heirs with anyone else. I refuse to touch another woman but her. She is my woman."

Paulo retorted "A Sicilian is more suitable for you... You have made a mistake with your girl but I let it go for now. Its too late... You declared her as yours in front of everyone... Its too late..."

Vincenzo tried not to smile. It was done deliberately. Vincenzo tried to keep a passive face " Well, exactly. Its too late for you to arrange for me to marry a Sicilian ... So grandpa. Tell me... What are you planning to do for tomorrow?"

Paulo smiled and let go of his chin "Tomorrow? Well, I will watch alongside you as those I command do the work...." He then walked around the chair and leaned close to Vicnenzo's ears "The don is sending his regards. He is very ill Vincezo. He wants to see you before he dies. Time is running out. My father is losing patience so do I. Your father can not deny who you are... You are my heir Vincenzo."

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