Chapter 30

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"Where'd your daddy go?" I ask with a little bit of attitude. The pain in my foot is making me very cranky. Sitting on the ground, I take off my boot as gently as possible. However, it really fucking hurts. 

"Do it. Quickly." I order Rob, who looks at me warily. 

"C'mon. Just do it." Rob grabs the boot and gently takes it off. I look away and try not to cry like a big baby. As soon as the boot is off, I tear off a huge chunk of my shirt and wrap it around the wound. The sock is soaked from the blood and glued to my foot like a second skin. I know there's really no point in taking it off. I am a little relieved the black sock covers the ugliness of the wound. 

I look up to see Luca turned away and Rob frowning. I look down at my shirt, or whatever is left of it. It's basically a crop top to my under boobies. It's no big deal due to my sports bra. I find it amusing for Luca to act like a gentleman at this point in time. 

"There's a jet on the top floor. He's getting it equipped." Luca states, referring to his father, as he checks the hallway for intruders. 

"We can't let him escape."  I furrow my brows. 

"He's not going to escape without me and Amber." He grimaces as if there is more to that statement. "Plus, in the state that you are in, you can barely walk, let alone climb up to the top." 

"I have another good leg and two working arms." I respond by moving the said working limbs. 

"If we die, then your dad won't be able to activate his little toy," Rob mentions as we make our way towards the medicine room. Some parts of the building look untouched by the destruction. Other parts have flickering lights, crumbling walls, and bullet holes marking the entire hallway. Some have gaping holes in the wall as though someone was too lazy to deactivate the door and decided to blow up the wall. I wonder who would do that. 

"That toy was just something to keep you busy until he figured out what to do with you guys. He has so many toys that this isn't that important. It's just another project he started because he was bored with his current project." Luca shrugs. He gives a quick glance at the two of us before continuing on. "I don't know the whole reason as to why you two are still alive. Perhaps it's because he wanted to kill the two of you in cold blood in front of your parents. I don't think he expected your family to come crushing in ahead of his plans. He's a little preoccupied with moving his precious research right now."

"What about that bomb in my body?" I force out the words with difficulty. It's getting a lot harder to speak due to the fiery pain that grows increasingly by the minute. 

That stops Luca in his tracks. He curses under his breath. "I forgot about that. It's actually a bomb that will and can go off whenever Lucian wants. We need to hurry." He increases his pace so Rob ends up mostly carrying me.

"Uh...then couldn't he have killed me right there and then?  What's with the theatrics?" I stop and look at him with my narrowed eyes. I hoped to make him feel uncomfortable but he seems too preoccupied to squirm under my gaze. 

"I don't know man. I'm not him!" He seems to snap a little before increasing his pace. "We really don't have the luxury of getting your curiosity sated. There's people who will kill us without stopping to see who we are. You need to remember those kids you were training with. They are killing machines, born and bred to assassinate without a second's hesitation." 

"Born and bred?" I catch that bit. "They were raised here? Were you raised here too?"   Some of what Luca says has helped fit some pieces in this huge puzzle. 

"Hide." Luca pushes us behind the wall as a shadow seems to pass us. It pauses for a second before continuing on. 

Who was that? 

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