16. The Fourth Book

Start from the beginning

“A Fourth Book?” Catherine and Violet asks,


Chloe walks back into the apartment with Ed carrying Rebecca. She is screaming at the top of her lungs.

“Throw her on the bed.” Chloe orders.

Rebecca starts to yell even louder and Ed lays her down onto the bed. Chloe throws the third book on the table and turns to Rebecca saying, “You have to stay still.”

“Just do it.” Rebecca screams out in pain.

Back at the cave Rebecca was about to retrieve the book but it was spelled and she has been screaming and in awful pain ever since.

“Ed keep her still.” Chloe orders running to the book of spells on the table she looks through them and finally she finds the spell she is looking for. She runs to Rebecca side and repeats,”Lusad Chu Magaying.” She waves her hand over Violet body and white smoke emerges from her hand and floats over Rebecca body.

Rebecca eyes go big and she yells in fear, “Get it off me.”

Chloe repeats it again louder and the white smoke goes into Rebecca body also the lights in the apartment flickers on and off. Rebecca shakes and then after two minutes of silence she starts to breathe again.

“The pain its gone what did you do?” Rebecca says before falling out onto to the mattress.

Chloe smirks and replies, “A Spell now rest.”

Rebecca smiles and Ed laughs, “Bec you should have seem your face you were so scared I’m surprise you didn’t piss yourself.”

Rebecca slaps Ed and flips him off saying, “What I tell you about calling me Bec.” Chloe walks to the table sits down and looks through the third book.

After hours overlooking Chloe slams the book onto the table in frustration and yells, “It’s not in here.”

Rebecca and Ed slams there books they were looking in and Rebecca says, “I don’t understand these are the three books.”

Chloe stands and announces, “Unless there’s another one.” She walks towards the door grabbing her coat and says, “Going for a little visit I will be back.”


“Yes.” Anne says. “There a fourth book it’s the darkest of them all. It may have what Chloe is looking for but if she connects them with the wrong spell there no telling what she will emerge.”

“She is trying to break our imprintion that is her main purpose.” Violet announces, “So I doubt if she unleash anything.”

“Yes, I understand but if she is under Zada control then there is no telling what Zada wants with the fourth book.” Anne explains.

“So what we do go after Chloe?” Catherine asks.

“No, if her main purpose is to break the bond than she will return so we should find Zada.” Anne replies.

“So you’re telling me to wait until Chloe return to break out bond.” Violet yells.

“Yes, Chloe is too powerful for us to try to attack you will be risking lives when we can go straight to the source which is Zada.” Anne explains.

Catherine touches Violet shoulder and says, “It’s okay she will be back in no time you should just worry about the pack while we work on this.”

“Vampires, Witches, and Wolves teaming up never thought I would see this day come in all my years. You guys are the future. Anne smiles.


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