Ch. 23: Moving In and Making Bets

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Ross and I got back to Denver two days ago, and boy did it feel good. We were able to move into the apartment I had been looking at the last time we were here.

So far, it's not very homey. We don't have any furniture, except for a bed. We had to go purchase a bed. Its not much, but there's a roof over our head and that's all we really want.

All of my things are still in LA. Being gone on tour, I hadn't bothered to have it hauled here yet.

"You have no idea how bored I am right now." Ross sighs. I glance over at him and he's sprawled out on the floor.

"Make dust angels." I tell him with a giggle.

"I want to play video games." He

"My stuff will be here in one week. Along with my TV, then you can play video games." I assure him.

"That's way too long of a wait." He continues to complain.

I walk over to him and look down at his face, "You can hang out with me, I'm not that boring am I?"

"Um- but I wanna play video games."

I frown at him, "You seriously sound like a ten year old boy right now."

"I don't care. I'm on break, it's like summer vacation for me. Video games is what I do."

"Okay, well you can lay on the floor all day. I'm going shopping."

"Can we buy a TV?"

"No, I have a perfectly good TV, why would I buy one?"

"Because yours is probably small, and your boyfriend is offering to buy you a big one." He says, standing up and grabbing a hat.

"Fine. Buy a TV then." I give in.

He smiles and takes a hold of my hand, "Okay, lets get shopping then."


"How are we even going to carry that inside? It's huge!"

"It's not that big, Laura. I can get it in, don't worry."

I start laughing, because that sounded incredibly dirty. We're just talking about a TV. Ross bought a seventy inch flat screen. I don't see why you'd want a screen that big, it's totally unnecessary. But I guess my boyfriend believes in the phrase, 'bigger is better'.

He grabs ahold of the box, "You might need to help a little bit." He says and I hold the other half of the box. Together we manage to get it into our apartment.

Along with the TV, Ross also bought an Xbox and a few games for it. I felt like I was shopping with a child the entire time. Although I was the one who made him buy Mario kart. But come on that is the best game out there.

"Can we set it up tomorrow though? It's already almost seven and I'm hungry for dinner." I say, hugging his waist.

"Mhm." He replies, too busy reading some kind of instruction sheet.

"Ross seriously, can we do this tomorrow? I'm ordering food and if you don't put your order in then your gonna have to go hungry." I warn him.

He throws the paper he was reading at the floor, "You could at least let me finish reading that!" He snaps at me.

"It wasn't that important, I'll help you do it tomorrow. Aren't you hungry?"

"No!" He yells. Damn what did I do to make him so mad?

When Secrets are Told: Sequel to When Love BitesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang