Ch. 17: Girlfriend Problems

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A/N: Hi everyone! Happy New Year! That wait is finally over! I'm so great full for everyone that has stuck with this story! Thank you so much! Anyways lets get on with the story!


Ross's POV

I jolt awake when my phone goes off. Courtney's name appears on the screen and I decide on not answering the call. I'll call her back though, like when I'm not in another girls bed. Laura was asleep on my chest. We hadn't done anything but take a nap, nothing to worry about.

Carefully I lift her off me and put a pillow under her head. She was asleep pretty hard so I left her a note instead of waking her up.

Sorry I had to get going, I'll see you around. Bye.

She'll understand I'm sure. I head out to my car and drive back to the bus.

When I get there, everyone is waiting for me inside. And they look pissed. I mean seriously? I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. Including leaving when I want to without telling people where I'm going all the time.

"Where were you Ross?" Courtney approaches me, "We were all worried. You've been gone for hours and no one knew where you were." She was almost in tears and I felt bad.

"I was just out exploring the city I guess." I lie, but they'd freak out even more if they found out what I actually had been doing.

"Can we go somewhere private and talk?" She looks up at me with sad eyes.

I nod, "Yeah sure." I begin to lead her to my bedroom but she doesn't follow me.

"No Ross, I mean lets leave.."

"Oh." Oh god I'm in trouble now.

We walk out to the car and she gets in the drivers seat. What did she have in mind?

The car starts moving and it's silent between us. I turn on the radio to try and make it feel less awkward.

"Tell me where you really were."

"I already did." I try to play it off.

"No you lied before, so what were you really doing?" She asks again.

It take me a minute to decide how to respond, "I...went to visit someone." I finally stutter out.

"Who?" She continues to question me.


"Laura? Why were you with her? Are you cheating on me Ross?" I can hear the worry in her voice and it makes my heart hurt.

"No of course not, we were just talking about our situation with Olivia." Another lie, but she believes this one.

Courtney parks the car in an empty parking lot and she turns to face me, "I thought all that was over with? The girl has a home."

"We want to adopt her back"


Okay I didn't expect this kind of reaction from her.


"Ross what about us? How do you expect me to be with you if your going to be busy raising a child with another woman?"

"It'll work itself out Court...I'd have plenty of time for you."

Her eyes shine with tears and I reach over to grab her hand, "Baby..."

When Secrets are Told: Sequel to When Love BitesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin