Chapter 2 : What Do You Want From Me?

Comincia dall'inizio

After finding the bandages Sweden made a detour to the supply closet at the end of the hall looking for Finland's sewing supplies. The small man was the only one who had managed to take up the skill and basically ended up becoming the house wife. Sweden wasn't sure which of the many needles would be able to stitch up the Norwegian's wounds so he just grabbed them all. Though he made sure not to stab himself accidentally.


The Dane quickly scrambled up the stairs in a hurry to grab the injured nation some fresh, non ruined clothes. Not only were they stained from the blood but they were soaking wet! "Oh Norge what happened to you?" He murmured as he dashed into the room and grabbed a few of the nation's clothes. Not wanting to waste any time, he dashed down the stairs and back into the main room.


It didn't take long for the other scrambling nations to return to the room. They got to work instantly, Tino scrubbing away all the dirt and grime from his skin and injuries. Sweden helped set up the appropriate needles so the wounds could be stitched and separated the bandages so the process would go as fast as possible. Denmark set to work getting the Norwegian all stitched up, removing his clothes as to have easier access to the injuries. All the while Iceland kept his grip on Lukas' hand, feeling the hand squeeze back even harder than his probably from the pain.

Norway felt his injuries burn with every throb. Until eventually he just wanted to pass out. When they finished Denmark slipped him into new clothes and took him in his arms. Norway having no energy to protest this act just laid his head against the taller boys chest, welcoming his warmth, before slipping into a calm, empty dream.

The Dane felt the figure in his arms snuggle against his chest before going limp. He looked down at the now sleeping Norwegian as he made his way to the nation's room. What happened to you Norge? He slowly opened the door and set the sleeping teen on his bed before heading back out. As he was walking down the stairs he heard a crash sound from the stoic nation's room.

Mathias rushed back up the stairs into the smaller male's room. He could here the pounding of another pair of footsteps climb the stairs. Inside the room the teen lay on the floor thrashing around in his sleep. Denmark set to work immediately trying to wake the distressed sleeping nation from whatever night terror he was having. Finland burst through the door seeing what was happening. Realizing the situation and helping pin down the now convulsing nation.

"I don't want to die!" The stoic nation screamed bolting up, out of the smaller males grip, he grabbed his clothed chest breathing erratically. He looked up at the worried Dane before throwing his arms around him surprising both the Danish and Finnish man.

Denmark felt tears hit his shoulder and he quickly wrapped his arms around the trembling form, the body shaking with sobs, The smallest of the two took this as a sign to go, leaving to go rejoin Sweden, and Iceland in the den. Lukas just sat in the bigger man's embrace as the latter whispered sweet nothings to the other. Eventually the Norwegian fell into a peaceful slumber once again as the Dane laid him back in his bed.

Slowly exiting to join the others down stairs for a family meeting, sending Iceland to his room with Mr. Puffin so the grown ups could talk.

Everyone was silent after they sent Iceland up to bed. Finland silently cleaning up where they had patched up Norway, Sweden was lost in thought staring out the window, and Denmark was sitting there, listening. He heard the patter of feet on the second floor as Iceland got ready for bed. But other than that all was silent.

When Finland finished cleaning, and they were sure Iceland had fallen asleep, they went into the kitchen to discuss what had happened. They sat there for a few minutes. No one knowing how to address the issue. "Denmark are you okay?" Finland asked as the Dane was being eerily quiet, though not unexpected. "I'm not the one you should be asking that." Was the only reply they received.

"Look Denmark, I know you're worried about Norway." Finland began to say. "Of course I'm worried! After we put him in his room he had a night terror!" He yelled hitting the table. "He cried like it was the end of the world and I couldn't do anything." Sweden stood up and made his way toward Denmark. "Sweden st-" Finland said standing if he needed to intervene. "You're not the only one who is scared for him." The Swedish nation began. "but you need to be ready to help him when he needs you."

With that the nation walked out of the door, his footsteps slowly fading. Finland stood too, leaving the room but came to a stop at the doorway. "There is no way to know if Norway will tell us, so don't push him either." And with that he was gone. Denmark left the room after everyone retired to bed for the day. The Dane stopped by Lukas' door peeking in before going to his room for some long awaited rest.

-Time Skip-

The moon reached its highest peek in the sky, signaling it was midnight. Norway had woken up a few minutes prior and was now standing at his open window, staring at the stars. He enjoyed the silence as he was able to gather his thoughts better. For one he knew his friends would question him that's just the way they are.

He only had two options tell them the truth that made absolutely no sense and have a chance of them worrying about his mental health, or he could deny everything and refuse to talk about the incident at all. Maybe it would be better if they all forgot it but he knew that was impossible.

He heard a slight rustle of leaves from the bush under his window and instantly backed up upon reflex, closing the shudders in an attempt to stop whatever might break-in. Sadly though that prevented nothing as the thing hurled itself in through the window.

The creature was the troll that Norway had seen before this all started. The one that he believed had taken him back home. It stood up from its crouching position now towering over the teen nation. "Please, what do you want from me?" He said managing to keep his voice from shaking.

The troll moved causing him to flinch in fear thinking he might have provoked the troll, but was thoroughly surprised when it kneeled to his height. "You can see me, correct." the partially green troll stated. Norway nodded his head hesitantly. Without words the troll took the young nations hand in his own, scaring the boy. His eyes squeezed shut in fear. 

"Can you see this?" He heard the creature ask. Slowly his eyes opened to reveal his lifeless violet eyes. He looked at his hand and saw a dark brown glow emanate off him. "W-what is this!" He exclaimed backing away but the troll kept a firm grip on his hand.

"It's aura, it affects the feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health of a person. Have you noticed when someone gives off a certain feeling happiness or sadness with strong intensity you start to feel that emotion to. That's aura, everyone has it." He explained.

"Why can I see it!?I couldn't see it before!" He panicked forgetting about his family and friends in the other rooms. "If I tell you, there is no going back and you are stuck with the burden of knowing and protecting others." He warned, letting go of the smaller hand. Lukas' thoughts ran wild.

Do I want to know this? Will I be able to handle the responsibility? Will I be able to protect others? No I need to know. I have to. " I want, no need to know." The boy stated standing firm. "Very well."

*and that ladies and gents was the 2nd chapter of Silently Suffering : Book 1 and I hope you all enjoyed it. Actually this book was about as long as the last chapter I wrote, wow. Anyway if you all are enjoying this let me know because I really do enjoy the support, and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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