False Alarm

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Lana POV

It was getting late, so I decided to get myself into some comfortable clothes for sleeping in. I changed into some baggy pjama trousers, and a plain black t shirt with a bow on it. I brushed my teeth and undid my plat. I brushed it once through and then set about lyimg down on the bed to get some rest.

* Dream *

"Its you, oh its you

its you they add up

to... And Im in love

with you, and all your

little things."

The crowd went wild, they screamed and laughed and screamed some more. "Ok twitter questions everyone!" I called through the microphone. "First question..." Harry called. "Please can you sing a mashup of Story Of My life and Irresistable please?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Lets do it!"

Several hours later, we were running off stage and laughing. "I didnt expect that, Louis was toilet - rolled..." We were all just having fun when I suddenly realised......

* Skipping into anothet dream *

I was running, running as fast as  I possibly could to get away from them. Them. Them; as my old bullies from high school. I crouched low behind a large green waste bin. I breathed in tight, not making a sound or any movement. They ran past; Thankfully and I got up off of the floor. I dusted myself down before I headed to the nearest cafe, to buy myself a nice hot chocolate and a cosy window seat to sit in.

*Back to reality*

I suddenly woke up, feeling uncomfortable and not being able to get back to sleep. I walked downstairs and grabbed myself a glass of milk and a few biscuits. I switched off the kitchen light again and sat myself down on the sofa. I extended it out, so it was now a double bed, and I reached above my head for the sofa throw; and then wrapped it around me for some warmth. Some how, I managed to fall asleep again.

Several hours later, I woke up again. I yawned and looked at the clock on the wall. 3:05AM. I turned over and tried to go back to sleep. But this time; I just could not. I tried and tried, and tried, but my eyes just would not budge. The continous quiet sound of water dripping kept me awake. I huffed and groaned and went to turn the water off; to discover it was off. I was puzzled and then I realised something. All these books that Ive read before... "No!!" I cried.

I shook my head continously. "no no no no... Im not due for another 1 & 1/2 months yet." I grabbed my bag, and phoned my friend, who lives opposite me but I cant afford to move. I heard a faint russling and then she was about to speak, but I couldnt wait. "Jade! Please I need your help. My waters have gone and I need you to drive me to the hospital... Now!!" I cried. "Im coming! I'll be there in 2 minutes.. Stay calm and take deep breaths." She hung up, and then I just did what she told me to.

* 1/2 an hour later*

Ive phoned Harry and he isnt able to make it, the next plane isnt til tomorrow, and hes got a show in the morning. There was a knock on my room door. "Hello Mrs Lana... Your waters have broken but not fully. Your body is just preparing itself, so this was just a false alarm..." I smiled of relief. "Thanks doctor." He nodded and walked out. I texted Harry, and then I was free to go and Jade took me back home. "Thanks Jade." I smiled and hugged her. "Its alright... Anytime. I shall be still around in 1 & 1/2 months time." I smiled, and laughed lightly. "Im glad. Night Jade..." With that, I walked inside my home and collasped on our bed.

I texted Harry quickly...

To : My Fiance ( Harry )

Helloo hun! :* I was at the hospital a few minutes ago, and the doctors said it was all a false alarm and that my body was just getting ready for when I do have the baby.. Hope your enjoying yourself! (But no too much haha ;) ) See you soon! Luv ya xxxx <3

I smiled and then my eyes got heavy, and I soon fell asleep for good.

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