Your Home!

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Lana POV

*Morning of next day*

I suddenly woke up. I was confused, relieved, and I felt weird. Did my dream mean anything? What did it mean? Its just a dream so it obviously doesnt mean anything. But Harry wouldnt do that to me, I know for sure he wouldnt. If he did, it would be on TV, in magazines, newpapers, everywhere. I cant be bothered to get up for the last day, I'll just call in ill, yep, thats what I will do. I got up and put on my dressing gown and walked downstairs. It felt cooler than usual, so I made myself a cup of tea, just to warm me up and to help me over come my long sleep.

Once I had finished drinking my tea, I explored my journey up the stairs and to my lovely bedroom. I took off my dressing gown and my onesie, and got changed into a nice outfit. I put on some high waist shorts, a lovely white T - Shirt with a lovely picture of the night sky in the middle. I tied my hair back into a loose ponytail, and applied abit of make up. Suddenly, I heard the front doors lock being fumbled with. The door opened, and then I heard laughing and voices that sounded vey familiar. "Hello?!" I called downstairs. Silence. thud thud thud. jingle jingle jingle. hahaha. "Hello?!" I called again.

I just decided to go down stairs, with Harrys baseball bat in hand, and investigate. In times like these, I really need Harry right now. I get scared quite quickly and with Harry by my side, I feel alot safer. I tip toed down stairs, turned the corner and BOOM!

I found Harry and the boys standing with their backs to me, laughing and talking. I gasped a dropped the bat. BANG! They all turned around and Harry smiled. "Hello my love.." "HARRY!!" I ran towards him, his arms were out wide, and I just lept into his arms. "I missed you sooooo much!" I hugged him tight. "Im just so glad your back." A few tears fell but I wiped them away. None of the boys have seen me cry, apart from Harry and Im not going to let them see me crying. I got down and hugged him back. "Ive missed you too my love." I felt him hugging me back and I smiled. I pulled away and smiled at all the other boys. "I missed you all too." I hugged the others aswell. "Can you help me get all my stuff?" Harry asked, grabbing my hand in his.

"Sure." I walked out the door and to the tour bus and grabbed one of his suitcases and pulled it behind me, back up the path and up to our room. 10 minutes later, all his suitcases were inside and in our room. All the other boys suitcases were scattered in the livingroom, filling up over half of the room. "Want a drink boys?" I asked. They nodded. "Just water please." "Water please if you dont mind." "A lovely cup of coffee from my lovely princess." "Water please." I nodded and got four bottles of water out the fridge, and did a cup of coffee for Harry. "Here we go..." I said, handing the boys water and Harry coffee. I went back into the kitchen and did myself some lemon water.

I sippes it and sat down on a dining table chair, just gazing into space and listening to their conversations. "Im so glad to be back in london.." Liam said as he sighed, then putting his attentiin back to the TV.

*2 hours Later*

"Bye! Thanks for staying here for abit!" "Bye Niall! Yes, I'll bring Nandos. Bye!" "Bye Zayn! Good luck with the wedding! I'll see you there!" "Bye Liam!" Harry closed the door and wandered into the livingroom and just sat down next to me. "Im so glad Im home now. I can spend some 'you and me' time with you..." I turned to look at him and he smiled. I did too. How can you not, when your boyfriend has been away on tour for 8 frickin months and your not smiling. Impossible, I say. Impossible! We hugged again. "Im really glad your home Harry. I missed you tones!" We pulled away and we just looked at each other in our eyes. His bright green emerald green eyes sparkled in my eyes. His brown curls sat nicely above his head, just lying still, and only moved when he did. He suddenly smirked and grabbed my hand in his. "Come with me.." I smiled and laughed lightly. "Oh Harry, I thought that w-..." He picked me up bridal style and carried me, kissing me passionately every so often.

He pushed the door open with his back and plumped me down onto the double bed that lay still in the middle of our room. "Ive missed you so much, I've wanted you really bad.." Harry layed beside me, panting hard and trying to catch his breath. Hes only carrying me up the stairs and Im probably really heavy. He rolled over so we were face to face, and we drew closer and closer to each other, inches of his sweet and soft lips touching mine. I just sighed and closed the gap. Our lips moved in sinc with each other, with our hands intertwining with each other.

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