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Lana POV

I grabbed my bag and put in my car keys, house keys, lipstick, and my purse. I put on my flats and headed out the door, locking it behind me. I walked down the pebbly path, and to my red car, where it sat, silently and waiting for me to start the engine. I got in and put my bag down. I started the car and revved the engine, making sure everything was ok. I turned on the music, only discover one direction was on.

"You and I, we dont wanna be like them, we can make it til the end. Nothing can come between you and I. Not even the clouds above, can seperate the two of us..But nothing can come between you and I..."

When I arrived at the shopping centre, loads of cameras swarmed the entrance, with loads of people screeming. I got out of my red ferrari, and closed the door, with the car locking automatically. I put on my shades, so I dont get recognised, and walked through all the crowding people and up to the entrance. "Im sorry you cant go in there.." The man said. I flashed my I.D and he let me in. I took off my shades and looked around. This was big, and had loads of shops down each side, with large signs and discounts outside. I smiled when I saw my favourite shop standing there. It had a big sign outside the shop, but that was all. The people inside know me, as I used to work here and Im nearly a regular visitor here too. "Hey Lana!" I turned around to see my friend Lauren. "Hey!" I walked towards her, and hugged her. "How have you been?" She asked. We're just friends, as of the past we've had fights then I was THE Harry Styles' girlfriend so she didnt like me being so worldwide popular and stuff but we still get along.

"Im really good thanks. How about you?" She finished sorting the clothes and hanging them up in their respectable places then replied with a simple smile. "Im good, still looking for a better place to stay though." She sighed then went back to work. "It was nice meeting you!" She called behind her. "Yeah, same here!" I replied. I walked out and went into another favourite of mine. Hollister. I like to spend my time looking in here, simply because I love hollister and they have the best clothes I can possibly find apart from a few other shops but hey. "How may I help you?" The lady asked, as I was browsing the shelfs. "Im just looking thanks." She nodded and walked off. I brought a few tops then walked out to go to Forever 21.

I walked passed shop windows, and looking at the displays of clothes and different items to go with the matching outfits. I stopped when I saw the perfect dress. It was a sky blue colour, with sequins along the bottom of the dress. I smiled excitedly and walked in. I soon found it and went through trying to find my size. I grabbed some other things and walked straight into the changing rooms to try the outfits on and to decide what looks best on me. You may think I have loads of money, but I dont really. Harry gave me a load of money and to quote him, he said:

"Im giving you money, as I have too much of it and I wanted to give you something but I didnt know what, so I thought you could spend some time alone to yourself and go and buy yourself something nice... Happy Birthday Lana and I love you!"

Along with all the money, Harry brought me a nice red ferrari for my Birthday and So, now I have a load of money so Im spending it on some new clothes, then Im going to get my hair trimmed and layered, then if I have any money left over, I'll go and get myself a manicure and some lunch. Sounds like a good plan to me. I walked out the changing rooms in Forever 21 and put some things back I didnt like. I took the things I wanted over to the desk to pay for them then walked out with a load of bags. I put my bags in the back seat of my car and got in the drivers seat. By now, there werent many paparazzi around so I was able to get to my car quickly and drive off.

I didnt buy much for lunch wise, I got myself a chicken caeser wrap, with a packet of cheese and onion crisps, a bottle of coke and a slice of chocolate fudge cake. I looked at the time. 2:38pm. Oh, they'll be shutting soon. I'll get my manicure another time. I sighed and drove back home, parking my car outside in my bay. I cut the engine and got out, gathering all my bags up and shut the car door. I walked to the front door, with 5 bags in hand, put them on the floor for a few seconds while I fumbled around for my house keys. I opened the front door, picked my bags up and stepped inside, pushing the door closed with my back. I headed to my room to put the bags down, setting my hands free, and went back downstairs, shut and locked the front door properly. I made myself a some cool lemonade and sat down on the sofa, turning the fan on full blast beside me. I hate the warm weather, but I hate the cold, but then I like the cold as you get the lovely winter blankets of snow on the ground, wrapped up warm with a hot chocolate to keep you warm, but the summer is the opposite.

Hair all messed up, eyes tired, room temperatures too hot, sun cream smuthered on, hardly any air to keep you cool. Trees try to keep you cool, but fail and there is no wind. Its too hot to do anything, but you have to, to keep ourselfs going. Water supply running out, plants dying of thirst, no water,...

The phone started to ring, so I was brought back to reality as I rushed to answer the phone. "Hello georgeous!" Its Harry. "Hiya! How are you?" I asked. "Im fine thanks, its just too hot, and Im getting hot and sticky and sweaty." "Eww! Nice to know that Harry." Then I heard echoes of people talking in the backround from the phone on Harrys end. "Nice to know that Hazza!" "You're not the only one!" "Who you are you talking to hazza?" "Hes talking to his girlfriend, I think." "Hahahaha!" I just had to laugh. "Yes, hello to you too boys!" I could tell Harry was then smiling to himself. "Your smiling Harry." I said, smiling myself. "So are you!" I lightly laughed. "Yeah, because I know you are! Im going to go now and have a nice, relaxing shower. Talk to you later, and I'll see you in like 4,5,6 months?" I said. "Yeah, ok babe and I'll see you in 5 months. I love you!" I just love Harry sooooo much! "I love you too babe, bye!" "Bye!" I ended the call and went upstairs to take my second shower of the day.

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