"Well hopefully I can make it better," she smirked at him seductively, taking his hand and leading him upstairs. That was the good thing about hooking up with Julianna. She never beat around the bush, attempting to make small talk. She knew what he wanted and he knew what she wanted. They used each other, and they were both fine with that.

They stumbled upstairs, trying all the door handles. Most of them were locked, but finally they stumbled into what he assumed was a spare bedroom.

He barely had time to look around at the plain walls and double bed, before focusing his attention back to Julianna, who pushed him back on to said double bed and climbed on top of him, a devilish smirk playing across her features

He returned her smirk with one of his own, leaning up to kiss her. He was in for a long night.


Farren made his way downstairs an hour later, zipping up his pants as he went. He wasn't drunk before heading upstairs, and the sex had sobered him up completely.

He thought to ten minutes ago, before he left the spare bedroom. After they had sex, Farren realised he didn't really feel any sense of achievement. Sure, the sex felt good enough, but there was something in the back of his mind telling him it wasn't right.

And as he descended the stairs and saw a familiar blond haired blue eyes boy talking closely with a cute redhead, who he seemed to remember as Rachel something or other, the feeling in his gut just deepened.

Needing some air, he decided to step out onto the porch and clear his head. He sat against the house, leaning back with his head resting on the wall and his eyes closed.

What on earth was happening to him. First he starts noticing Kaden was.. attractive. Then they had their two little.. moments. And now here he was, finding it harder than he ever had before to get into sex with Julianna.

He didn't like Kaden did he? He shuddered at the thought. Of course he didn't. Kaden was rude, he was sarcastic, he made Farren's life very difficult.

Of course he didn't like him. But Kaden intrigued him. He found himself wanting to get to know the boy better, to really get inside his head.

He didn't like Kaden, of course he didn't.

He wasn't gay, he knew that.

It was intrigue, fascination disguised as romantic interest. It was newfound friendship with an unexpected boy. All it was was friendship.

And friendship was all that it could be.


Kaden woke up the next day with a pounding headache and an aching body. He looked around the room that wasn't his own in confusion for a moment before coming back down to earth and realising it was Farren's room.

God, a week later and he was still waking up confused of his whereabouts.

He squeezed his eyes shut again, rolling over on his side of the bed. But for once, he wasn't stopped by Farren's massive feet digging into his back. He sat up and looked around the room, but Farren was nowhere to be seen.

He checked his phone. 6am. Where the fuck was Farren at six in the morning. Kaden remembered them both stumbling in the door at 2am, meaning Farren couldn't possibly have gotten up of his own accord, the dude would be going off four hours sleep at most.

Playing The Straight Game [boyxboy]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin