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  "Is the drone really necessary?" Izaya said over the phone "It's much easier then setting up all those cameras." "It's more efficient too because cameras have blind spots but I made sure to program this to near perfection." "And whenever you want we can stop watching if it's super important but for now pretend we're not even there." "Will do." he hung up with a silent sigh and thought to himself 'They can't seriously be doing this out of the kindness of their hearts they must want something out of it,everybody does when it comes to me...even Shizu-chan' He shook his frantically before he continued wheeling through his favorite city. 'Usually by now Shizu-chan would sniff me out and try to kill me.' A ghost of a smile spread across his face before he shook his head again.

'Why the heck are my thoughts leading back to him?!' He was so lost in thought he didn't even notice the men in suits blocking his path.He only noticed when he bumped his wheelchair against one of their legs. "Ah? Oh Shiki-san what brings you to this fine area?" "You've been out of our radar for some time now and we wanted to see if our top informant is alright." "Well as you can see I'm pretty okay,so is there something you want?" "Actually yes there is, you remember that Yagiri pharmaceuticals was known for their human-trafficking?" "Indeed I do." "Well we've heard rumors about another set of human-traffickers growing exceptionally fast a bit to fast for comfort.I want you to look into it and report back to me once you found any info." "Got it." He watched as Shiki and his men left. 'It can't be the same traffickers Hatchico was talking about could it?'

Shizuo sat next to Shinra as he pondered the blond's question "Will he be able to walk again what an interesting thought." "Well is there any chance I don't want him to be crippled for life because of me." "Well he'll probably need some type of surgery or at the least try physical therapy that's only if his bones weren't shattered beyond repair not to mention how weak his muscle tissue must be with him not using it." "But there's a chance right." "That's only the beginning with his mental state as of late he might be to afraid to even try to stand up." "But he's Izaya nothing ever hurt him before." "Everyone has their limits including you and him." [But now he has your support so when the time comes I'm sure we can help him get back on his feet] "Ah Celty you're such an angel always knowing what to say!" Celty was about to hit him in the gut but stopped a couple of centimeters away [Shut up] "Ah Celty loves me so much that she doesn't want to harm me but instead-" He was wrapped up in her shadow's keeping his dirty words to himself. [Anyway we should go about our day normally for now and just let time lead us in the right direction] "Got it."  

(Ah I'm getting closer to where I am on the other site...hopefully I can think of more stuff to write for this story soon)

You'll get what you deserveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang