The beginning

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(I've decided to post the first chapter cause I'm bored...enjoy)

  After escaping from Ikebukro after his final battle with Shizuo Izaya was now hiding in Shibuya. It's been about two weeks since his quite devastating injury that left him immobile.But to him it was better then being dead since he couldn't observe his precious humans after all.He sat in his wheelchair with his laptop placed on his lap.Even if he couldn't directly interact with his humans he still had the internet.He went on the dollars website and clicked on the first chat.He scrolled through the messages with a small smirk gracing his lips.He read about how the city was covered in shadows and the battle between him and Shizuo was still bugging everyone as rumors started about his disappearance.He laughed as people thought that Shizuo might be able to actually kill him.But he guessed that breaking his legs was the second best thing."Stupid Shizu-chan" He mumbled.

His bodyguards looked at him confused "Is there something wrong sir?" "No just thinking of my glory days" he replied with a cat-like grin. If you're wondering why he has guards then you don't know Izaya at all and how he's practically made enemy's all over. Even enemies that would track him down to the ends of the Earth just to kill him.He closed his laptop before stretching "Well even Gods need beauty sleep so you two can keep guard outside of my room."The two nodded in confirmation before Izaya wheeled to his bedroom.What he didn't know was when he left one of the guards pulled out a phone before texting

[The Informant is in bed now and we'll be turning off security before we take out the other guards]

[Affirmative.We will arrive there shortly] with that their plan was finally put into action

'Finally He'll get what he deserves' They thought in unison  

(Hope this chapter was appealing enough and sorry for the shortness but that's just how it is moving what I wrote on livejournal to here)

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