"Found you"

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(Mmm I'm thinking of just posting all the chapters at once but I kinda want to wait until I finish the story so um I'll think about it)

  Its been a few days since the agreement and while Izaya enjoyed the much needed alone time and space he couldn't help the paranoia he now felt being around his humans knowing just what they could do to him.And while he tried his best to stay calm he couldn't help but flinch each time he felt someone brush against either him or his wheelchair.But even though he was afra-I mean cautious that didn't stop him from selling information though now he made sure that plenty of people were around or they were in a place where he could easily wheel away.But now at mid-afternoon he had absolutely nothing else to do so he decided to start heading to the hotel he was temporarily staying at.He froze stiff though when he felt cold fingers brush pass the shell of his ears before resting on his shoulder. "Izaya..." Izaya slowly lifted his head up to a smiling figure with sharp indigo eyes "Found you."

Meanwhile Shizuo wasn't really doing great as he was to busy worrying about Izaya as a bunch of different scenarios played in his head. "Do you think it was a good idea to do this?" [I'm not sure I mean if you're so worried why not just find him like accidentally bump into him or something] "I-I can't just betray his trust like that." [Well I'm sure he's fine he's way to cautious to let that happen to him again] "I know that I'm just worried." "Sounds like someone's in denial~" Shinra butt in. "Denial?" "Yes well you may be worried about him but the emotions you're feeling are so much more then that.You care about him so much that you might as well just say you're in love." Shizuo's cheeks were as bright as a cherry. "L-love?" [Shinra caring for someone doesn't automatically mean love] "Yes but well Shizuo has always shown strong emotion towards Izaya and well when I first introduced them I was hoping to for them to become best friends but well they hated each other at first sight." "So what does that have to do with love?" "Well usually the saying goes love at first sight but instead you guys hated at first sight." Shinra smiled brightly "They also say there's a thin line between love and hate so perhaps you both misinterpreted your feelings all these years." [I can see the logic in that] "Ah but their love will never be as strong as ours my love!"

Celty jabbed him once then again for good measure [Well whatever it is I'll be there to support you] "Thanks Celty." "Aha well let's not worry Izaya's strong enough to take care of himself and I'm sure if he needs you he'll find you himself." [But what about his ego?] Celty directed to just Shinra "He'll make the right choice." [Ah I feel as if I'm in some sort of Manga with all these events happening so suddenly] "So that's what Erika has been giving you." [Haha yeah and nothing else (ㆀ˘・з・˘)] "I already know about the BL" [◐.̃◐ I-I see] "Don't worry as long as you don't leave me I'm fine with it." [Maybe I should have said we're in some weird fanfiction like Erika writes...(σ≧▽≦)σ] "You really like those faces" Shizuo said relaxed from the goofy atmosphere. [┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘ Yeah they're so much fun] "Well I'm glad everything is well for once." [Yeah (✿◠‿◠)] "Mmmhmm" They all continued talking for the rest of the night.  

(I'm thinking of just using a quote as the chapter name since I can't really think anything...k well hope you enjoyed this chapter)

You'll get what you deserveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora