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(Ah sorry I keep forgetting to post chapters but how are you guys enjoying the story? Good or meh?)

  It was early in the morning, much to early in Shizuo's opinion but he just couldn't stay asleep when all he could hear was the squeaking sounds of the wheelchair.His eyes focused on the shape wheeling towards the front door.His eyes widened before he burst up off the couch and to the tense figure.When his fingers wrapped around the handles of the wheelchair he was greeted by a blank voice."I think it's best for me to go back to my life now...for us to guy back to our lives." "What are you saying? That your just gonna give up?" "It's bound to happen eventually, we're polar opposites after all." "Haven't you ever heard the term opposites attract?" "Is that a confession?" Shizuo couldn't keep down the blush. Izaya averted his gaze to the front door while keeping his posture as straight as he could. "Well anyway I do believe that this isn't working out, but hey I commend the effort but some things aren't worth it." "Stop it already." "Huh?" Shizuo stepped in front of him "Why do you have to make things so complicated." "It's not complicated at all it's very simple actually but if you'd like me to dumb it down I will." His gaze became sharp. "I don't think you remember but we hate each other's guts." "Hated." Shizuo corrected. "Well if you couldn't figure it out already maybe I'm not so comfortable being around someone who put me in this god awful wheelchair to begin with."

The tension was brewing between the two. "Look I'm trying to make it up so why can't you just let m-" "You've always been so unpredictable and I despise you for it." Izaya's fingers were wrapped tightly around the armrests while he glared up at Shizuo with a cocky smile on his face. "You think you can just keep me trapped in this small apartment like you're a dragon and I'm your precious treasure?" "Every time I offered you always rejected the idea save for a few occasions." "Well I still have a reputation to uphold.I can't be seen weak even for a moment especially around my mortal enemy.Do you know how scandalous that would be?" "But you're not weak! I don't know why you feel this way but it's not weakness it's just being human." "Like a monster like you would know anything about being human besides I'm far above such emotions." "Now you're just acting childish." "What are you gonna do about it? Hit me?" He clenched his fist fist tightly as his breathing escalated. "Is that what you want?" "Yes." "Well then...your wish is my command." Izaya closed his eyes before mumbling "Do it monster..." He could imagine the fist coming towards him before he felt something flick his forehead lightly.

"There you made me hit you happy?" "You were supposed to lose your temper." He watched Shizuo pull out a cigarette. "Guess I have more self control then you thought." Izaya glared at him. "I hate you so much." Shizuo sighed lightly. "Look let's make a compromise." "Ah?" "You can go out and do whatever without me bothering you for a few days and if you feel okay I'll let you go back home but if not then your just gonna have to deal with me for awhile longer." "Intriguing." "So do we have a deal?" "As much as I'd like to oppose if it'll get me out of here then I guess It's a deal."

So that was the day the two avoided each other willingly since well ever.But with their deal came time for different thoughts and emotions to rise to the surface.Neither of them could really understand it or they just didn't want to.But one thing is for sure that this is definitely gonna get a hell allot more interesting soon.  

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