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 (It seems that not many people are reading but that's okay the slow pace is fine)

 Shizuo was now sitting on the couch as he waited for Shinra to tell him if Izaya was alright or not. The only reason was because he was the only one allowed to kill Izaya.NO ONE ELSE. Celty sat next to him in calm silence before she finally typed [Are you alright? You seem pretty upset over finding Izaya like...this] He sighed quietly "Well not even the flea deserves to be hurt in this way...this is the reason why I hate violence." 'Though for these assholes I'll make an exception' he added in his head. Celty gave him a squeeze on the shoulder before typing [Well Shinra is sure to fix and up and well Izaya is tough so it probably won't effect him to bad] "Yeah I guess..." 

Hours ticked by before Shinra finally stepped out with his usual chipper grin. "well his insides were stretched out and filled with cum but-" Before he could continue Shizuo pushed him aside and walked up to The sleeping informant. he looked at the bandages covering his chest before he turned to Shinra. "He's gonna be okay right?" "Well after this incident I couldn't help but think that maybe he should have a well." [Well what?] "A bodyguard since his legs are broken." Shizuo stiffened "You better not be implying what I think you are." "Well you are trustworthy enough and well you wouldn't hurt a man while he's down would you?"

"Tch" He looked back over at Izaya and his peaceful face. [I kinda agree with Shinra, sure Izaya is an ass but well the way you acted you seem worried so I think it should be you to look after him if you're up for it] The blond thought about it for a moment before finally sighing out a soft "Alright." Shinra clasped his hands together and smiled wider. "Splendid I'll tell Izaya the news once he wakes up!" Shizuo just kept starring at the informant almost worriedly. [This should be an interesting turn out] She told Shinra who nodded in agreement

"Perhaps they'll finally learn to get along."  ~

  After what felt like hours Izaya finally awoke from his dreamless slumber. His eyes slowly adjusted to his new surroundings and he panicked. He reached for his flick blade but when he realized it wasn't their he tried to roll off the bed and either hide somewhere or try to escape. He didn't notice the blood bag or the needle in his arm so when he rolled of the bed his body and the blood bag made quite a loud thump. He whispered "Shit" just under his breath before Shinra peaked in and looked down at him. The sight was a mix between hilarity and just plain sad. "He's up." Shinra said before mumbling "Or down now." Shizuo and Celty entered just as Shinra was trying to pull Izaya back up on the bed.Key word is try. "You seem well more or less." Shinra said while moving aside so Shizuo can pick him up and gently place him on the bed. Shizuo's hand lingered for a couple seconds longer before he pulled away and looked over at Shinra "Might as well tell him." "Ah right." "Tell me what?" Izaya asked with a quirked eyebrow while his body slowly relaxed.

"Well after thinking it over we all agreed that with your condition right now you will be unable to fend yourself off from people like....that." "Just get to the point." "Well we decided that you'll need a bodyguard and well Shizuo seems to be the perfect candidate so..." Shinra trailed off. "What? You want that uncivilized caveman to watch over me?! He'll kill me as soon as he gets the chance!" [No he won't. How do you think you got here in the first place? He brought you here when he could have killed you BUT he didn't] Izaya stubbornly looked away from them all and looked out the window before pursing his lips "Fine but if Shizu-chan lays a single finger on me with the intent to harm or kill me I'm going back home." He turned back to the three of them "And if I show up somewhere in a body bag it's Shizu-chan's fault." "Damn it flea do you have to be an ass." "Just being cautious." "I'm not the heartless monster that you desperately try to make me out to be." "I don't desperately try to do anything! I'm just trying to protect my humans!"

Shizuo was about to say something about how "his" humans should be more afraid of him before Shinra butted in "It's settled then. Celty and Shizuo will get everthing you need from your apartment and I'll stay here and watch you." "Wait I have to stay at his house?!" "You got a problem with that flea?" "I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't have a problem." "Well you're just gonna have to suck it up until you get better. With that he pulled out his cigarette pack and lit up one as he and Celty made their leave. "You really should try to be more civilized with each other but I guess old habits die hard." "He's always acting like a brute." "Because someone always tries pushing the wrong buttons and setting him off, If you just got to know him,the real him then you'd see that maybe he isn't just some uncultured beast as you once thought he was."

Izaya just looked out the window again, thinking those words over before he mumbled to himself. "Yeah we'll see about that."  

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