Brotherly Love

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"Guest what, guest what!!" Lili said, excitedly jumping like a child.

"what is it Lili?" I asked her, getting annoyed by her childish act.

"Brent ask me to porm"
Lili had a crush on Brent since elementary school. Brent is charming, every girl is after him, I would of been too if she didn't had a crushed on him. I'm so happy he asked her.

"Wow really, how sweet of him"

"I know right"

"How'd he ask you?" Mili asked.

"Well I came in late to class yesterday and the whole class was watching, I thought property because I was late, when I was about to sit down, I heard someone playing a guitar, so I turned around and saw Brent playing the guitar and the he started singing. "Lili this song is for you, lili your simle makes my heart smile, you laugh makes me laugh, your beauty is so bright it burns my eyes, there's a question I was wanting to ask you, lili will you do the honor of being my porm date," then a huge smile came on my face, that was to real to be true, I ran up to him and hugged him, then I said Yes, the whole class start cheering"

"Wow, that's is so sweet and adorable" Mili said.

"Yeah it was" I said looking sadly down at the floor.

"What's wrong Jessy?" Lili asked, obviously noticing me.

"'s Just that we have about one more month till porm and August hasn't ask me yet"

"Jessy don't worry, Kelvin hasn't even ask me yet"

"He hasn't?"

"No, and I'm not worry because I know he's going to ask me, I mean come on I'm his girlfriend, who else he's going to ask, their both probably thinking of a romantic way to ask us"
She's right.

"Of course, silly me, another nothing to worry about"

"Yeah, so when are we going prom shopping?" Lili asked.

"Saturday" I replied.

"tomorrow?" Mili asked.

"Yeah, is that a problem"

"No, not at all, I'm Just getting goose bumps"

"Oh Yeah look at her arm" I said pointing at her bumpy arm.

"Why the hell are you getting goose bumps? You been with him for ten months, I'm the one who suppose to be getting goose bumps, he's my crush not boyfrined" Lili said, with a little shiver.

"Yeah, know you're getting goose bumps"

"Oh boy" she said looking at her arms.

"Okay, so shopping tomorrow, I have to get home now guys bye"

"Okay later" lili said.

"Yeah bye" mili said back.

I tired to tip toed up to my room, but super mom caught me.

"Jessica!" She called after me.

"Jess baby, you're two months pregnant and your belly has grown, are you sure you still want to go to school?" This is why I tiered to tip toed to my room, why?!! Why do she have to caught me and jailed me with stupid questions!?.

"Mom of course, I'm soon graduating, it doesn't matter what people have to say about me, I have told you that so much times"
Mom has been bogging me about this for a month, I make seventeen last month, ain't like I give a fuck about what's others have to say about my pregnancy.

"Okay, anyways your brother will be leaving in two months to go off to college, you should spend some quality time with him"
After the announcement of my baby father, Chris hasn't communitcate with me. Maybe it's because I told him I'll never leave August no matter what.

"Yeah mom, I'll see" I sighed, trying to talk to him might be difficult, what if he ignores me, or even worse, ask me why the fuck I'm talking to him.

"Oh boy"

I looked at the ground thinking about Chris, then I remembered I have to talk to mom about something.

"Mom, I know what I what to wear for porm, I what a Cinderella dress, it has to be blue and purple okay"

"Okay, I'll have to tell the tailor"
My mom highred a tailor to make my home coming dress.

"Great, oh and the design, surprise me"

"Yes anything for you darling"

I excitedly huged mom, and skipped up to my room. Porm is going to be magical.


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