December 20, 1979

Magsimula sa umpisa

Nadjia answered the door, opening it wide. She took a step back, eyes wide. "Trent! I haven't seen you since..."

"April." Trent stepped into her doorway, but did not cross the threshold. He took a moment to survey the foyer behind her, the den, and the stairwell. "I've been a little busy. We parted on awkward terms, and I wanted to come by with an olive branch. Hoping we could still be friends."

"I told you in April we would still be friends."

"Yeah, yeah you did... but that's Breakup-101. Everyone says they'll stay friends. I was hoping you meant it. May I come in?"

"I, uh... I have a guest over."

"A guest? Coming up the driveway, I didn't see your parents car. Perhaps they're parked in your garage?"

"No, Trent. I have Jonathan over."


Jonathan stalked into sight, slicking his hair back with his hands, locking his eyes on Trent. "Yeah. Him."

"Jon, go back into the living room."

Trent reached for Nadjia, but she stepped back another step. He stared at Nadjia, and back to Jonathan; the intense green eyes, flushed cheeks; his clothes were wrinkled, and his hair was a mess. Trent put it together.

"You don't waste much time."

"It's been eight months." Nadjia reached for the door, But Trent casually pushed it open full, out of her reach.

"Has it only been eight? I've been so busy, I stopped counting. Stopped counting, but I never stopped thinking about you."

"You said friends, Trent. Friends don't mull over old breakups. It wasn't working."

Jonathan took quiet steps closing distance between he and Trent.

"I didn't know it wasn't working. You were abrupt. It hurt. I do want to be friends. I just wanted you to keep an open mind."

"My mind's open, Trent. I've moved on. You should, too."

Trent looked from Nadjia, to Jonathan, to find Jonathan at the doorway. "You're a sly one, aren't you! You move quickly. Explains a lot."

Jonathan struck him squarely between the eyes, and the punch knocked Trent off his feet, off of the porch, and flat onto his back in the walkway.

Trent lay there still for a moment, and groaned. "Oh, you're a big feller aren't you. Sucker punch, and all."

"Hold your tongue, or I'll cut it out of your mouth, dirtbag." Jonathan aggressed through the doorway, and stood over Trent from the porch. "You had your time, you failed. Accept your failure with grace. Nadjia is spoken for."

Trent propped himself on his elbows, rolled over, and with difficulty, pushed himself onto his knees, and slowly rose up to his feet. "Let her tell me."

"I'm telling you." Jonathan's fists were clenched, knuckles white. "Let me make this clear to you in no uncertain terms. We're marrying after graduation. If you come near my fiancée again, you will disappear, and I will build a dump site over your final resting place. You'll be where you belong, trash buried beneath trash."

Trent looked from Jonathan, to Nadjia, wiping the trickling stream of blood from his nose onto his sleeve. "Nadjia!"


"What?" Jonathan looked briefly over his shoulder at Nadjia, and stepped off the porch aggressing further toward Trent, who crawled backward on his elbows away from Jonathan.

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